twenty four

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Monday morning felt a lot less shitty than normal Monday mornings feel. My mom and dad are going on an anniversary vacation, so I'll be home alone till Wednesday. I also will have the car for the next three days, meaning I will probably be happier than I have been in previous weeks. Of course this new found happiness won't only be because I am able to use a car...

"What do you mean I don't need to pick you up this morning?" Maddie responds after I tell her I don't need a ride.

"I mean someone else is driving me." I say, looking out the window.

"Oh my god, it's been one weekend and you're already dropping your best friends."

"Shut up, you know I love you. I gotta go, I'll see you in school." I wait for Maddie to say bye then I hang up and head downstairs. I wore a typical school outfit, tight blue jeans, a pink tank top and nude heel boots. The outfit is more "popular girl" than "nice theater girl" but I guess if you're gonna be with someone off the popular list you have to dress like you still belong. 

"Thanks for giving me a ride." I slide into the front seat I've slid into so many times recently. 

His smile grows when he seems me, which is pretty fucking adorable. "We live right next to each other, it be stupid to drive separately." 

"I know, just let me be grateful." I lean towards him and kiss his cheek. We haven't talked about us since Friday, actually all we've talked about has been him driving me to school and reading lines after rehearsal, so I don't really know if we're at a kissing often point in our relationship yet. I don't even know if we're in a relationship yet.

We drive in almost silence, aside from me once in a while singing along to the song on the radio or him asking if the temperature is okay. This is a typical car ride for us, but typical for before the current events of openly liking each other happened. I didn't really expect an action packed car ride to school, but I didn't really expect silence. "What are you doing?" I ask when Jaeden turns his blinker on at a point in the ride where it shouldn't be on.

"You always said you go to Starbucks when Maddie drives you, I didn't want to break your tradition." He smiles at me, pulling into the Starbucks drive through. He gets me my coffee and one for himself, and we continue on the route to school. The coffee must've given both of us some well-needed energy, because his hand found its way to my upper thigh, a place that I always liked having it. I turn the music up a little louder than it was before, and sing a little more often. And everything suddenly goes from fine to perfect, just because we were touching, just because we knew we were both happy.

"I'll miss you." I stand on my tip toes and lean into Jaeden. His arms are around me in one of the sweetest hugs I've ever received from a boy, and I'm loving it. We agreed that we wouldn't make our friends suffer with each other, and that when we got into school we'd part our separate ways. I'll see him through out the day, and then at rehearsal, and then after rehearsal, but I'll miss him.

"I'll miss you, too." He pulls away from the hug. I think the moment's over, but before I know it his hand is pulling my chin up and his lips are meeting mine. It's a soft kind of kiss, the kind that almost mimics our first kiss perfectly. I wrap my arms around his neck allowing him to pull me in tighter. But the kiss ends way too earlier, due to the fact that we are in school and there are people bumping into everyone. We separate from each other awkwardly, because we both know that we weren't even close to being done. "See you later." He winks and shows of his adorable smile. And I watch him walk away from me and into the crowd of teenagers. And I turn around and walk in the opposite direction to where my friends will be waiting to hear the details of what just happened. And I'm happy.


kind of a short one sorry sisters

i think its cute tho i hope you do too

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