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Of course the next day at rehearsal we are starting off with the big love scene. Ok, one of the big loves scenes, but I personally think this one is the biggest. In the scene we sing Seventeen, a big sappy love song, so basically it is the first Veronica and JD scene that is actually a little romantic.  And of course Jaeden won't stop fucking staring at me, even when we are getting notes and not acting.

"Would you quit fucking staring at me?" I say to Jaeden as we wait for the scene to start.

"My character is in love with yours, remember?" He smirks a little, for a reason I don't know and I don't really want to.

"So you have to stare at me even while getting notes?" I grab my water bottle and take a sip. He watches me intently while I do so, but it's probably because he wants to respond to my comment.

"I can't help it. You're just that beautiful." He huffs, almost sarcastically. Was he mocking me?

"Real mature." I smile up at him.

"Thanks. I think my maturity is one of my best qualities." He smiles wide, then turns to walk away and get into his place for the scene. Fuck, he got the last word. 

Rehearsal bragged on for what felt like forever, mainly because Jaeden got the last word with me and that burns like hell. I find myself sitting outside in my normal waiting spot, but I know for sure my mom is on her way so there is no panicking occurring this time. While I wait I notice Jaeden and some of the other guys in the cast talking, one of them occasionally glancing at me. Eventually it's just Jaeden standing alone, full on staring at me with a confused look. "I don't need a ride, Lieberher. You can go home." I shout out to him.

"Actually I wasn't gonna offer you one." He yells back, not walking towards me, just standing in his place. 

"Then why are you still here?" I say sassily, trying way to hard to make him hate me.

"I'm waiting for my dad to get me. My car broke down last night." He explains, still keeping his distance. I can't tell if it's cause he is scared of me telling him off, or if he genuinely doesn't want to be close to me. I shouldn't be mad either way, it's a win win for me. 

"Oh," I say instead of apologizing for assuming. I'd never ever apologize to Jaeden Lieberher.

He shifts his weight, and stares off at where either of our rides should be coming from. When neither of them come, he finally decides to move closer to me. "You know, I'm fine with us not being friends or whatever the fuck we were, but you don't have to be a bitch to me, ya know." He thinks I'm a bitch? 

"Well I think I can be whatever I want to you." I sniff, thinking about the camera. He must know I know, whatever it even is that I know.

"What gives you the right to think that? You fucked with my life, not then other way around, Corinne." He gets close to me, a close that is familiar. Right now it's uncomfortable, because he is yelling at me, but before this close was good, it was what I wanted. 

"Oh, I fucked with your life? I'm the one that got dumped and humiliated." 

"Well I'm the one that got their heart played with." Jaeden shouts. I don't respond, not sure what to even say to follow that. He starts to take a step away from me, but shifts his weight back towards me. "It's almost hilarious actually. To think I thought I had a chance with the famous Corrine Leon. It's fucking hysterical." He chuckles to himself. 

I just stand their with my mouth hanging open, not sure what he is saying, not sure where the camera plays in, not sure what is happening at all. "I'm sorry." I breathe out. It sounded like a lie, but I don't think it was. I do kinda feel bad for him, kinda. A car pulls up to the school, his, not mine.

"No you're not. You're incapable of feeling sorry for anyone but yourself." He turns away and gets into the car. And that was that. That's the last I'll talk to him today, and hopefully for a while. Because I have no fucking clue what to say to that. 


fuck sorry it took me so long omg 

school started today so im a little frazzled but ill try to post regularly ok sorry 

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