twenty three

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Jaeden drives us to his house, which he says is empty. The last time I was alone with a boy in an empty house was that night with Finn, and that was a long time ago. I don't really know what we plan on doing, I mean Jaeden seems innocent and I don't like messing around on the first date, but whatever happens happens I guess. "So what do you wanna do?" I ask as we walk through the front door. 

"We could make out a little more if you want. But if you don't I have a whole lot of board games and I know where the beer is in the garage." He grabs my hand and pulls me to the couch in the living room. It's so cute the way he grabs my hand, it's like rough in the sweetest way possible.

"Grab the beer first, but I'm good with making out." He grabs two beer cans and we sit on the couch beside each other. He chugs his, probably hoping that for the first time in his life it actually kicks in like it's supposed to. I just take a sip, knowing I'm already kind of drunk and that if I go crazy I won't remember anything. And I want to remember all of this. I realize waiting for him to make the first move will probably take forever, so I grab his shirt collar and pull him on top of me. 


I left Jaeden's sometime around 2am, maybe 3. Since I live just next door leaving was no problem. I had to sneak through my bedroom window though, because I told my mom I would be sleeping at Maddie's, not sure what would happen with Jaeden necessarily. We didn't have sex or anything crazy, and I can't really tell if it's my doing or his. I think both of us want to "take it slow" or whatever people say, but it's hard to tell if that was my idea or his. He knows I'm not innocent, I mean everyone knows that, but I'm not sure about him. Whatever the case is, I certainly don't mind. I just enjoy being with Jaeden, no matter what we're doing.

Turns out Maddie got with Jack last night, so I call Lilia to get breakfast with me instead. She picks me up in her mom's car and we drive to iHop for pancakes. Well I get pancakes, Lilia always gets waffles like a dumbass. 

"How was Jaeden?" Lilia asks from across the booth with a mouth full of waffles. 

"He's so sweet." I smile, taking a piece of bacon from the plate we ordered to split. Normally Maddie supplies the protein for us, but without her we had to take the responsibility onto ourselves.

"Yeah. I can tell how much you like him when you look at him." She smiles.

"Really?" I shake my head, thinking I've been so discrete about it.

"Yeah, and he looks at you the same." As she says this I can't help but lose it. I start grinning like an idiot. "Oh my god, we get it, you like someone, calm down." She responds to my obvious freak out.

"So did you get with anyone last night?" I change the subject.

She shakes her said while shoving her face with the food in front of her. "No one worthy enough, but I smoked with some guy in his car and that was pretty fun." Lilia starts telling me about the cute guy and his cute car, and how nothing happened besides her asking him to be her date of the week. I tell her that he sounds nice, and she says he is. She doesn't sound into him, but she sounds more into him than other guys she's been on dates with. I think this will be good for her, so I applaud her and let her have the last piece of bacon. 

We drive to the park after we finish eating, one reason being Maddie hasn't been on her phone all morning so we can't hang, another being Lilia thinks the guy that teaches kids tennis lessons is cute. We sit on a bench that has a great view of the tennis court, and we sit. We went to the crappy gas station on our way so I could get a soda and so Lil could seduce the teenage worker for cigarettes. So she smokes as I sip, occasionally we will swap items for a minute. The cute kids tennis teacher looks at us a few times, causing Lilia to squirm. We just sit and talk, smoke and drink soda, scroll through Instagram and spam Maddie with texts asking where she is. Nothing much happens, but it's a good kind of day to follow the night that came before.  The crazy night that came before the involved literally nothing crazy. And that's why it was crazy, because it was so calm yet still so perfect.



ok so idk when I'm publishing next, probably wednesday because thats my next day with free period and creative writing. 

ok later sisters

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