In My Time of Dying- Part 1

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"Dean, where are you taking me?" You giggled, taking his hands in yours.

"Don't you know the whole deal around a surprise?" He smirked, leading you somewhere that was in the woods. You trusted him though. You felt safe with him. He was your rock and you loved him.

"Fine but if we end up being chased by a monster, I'm leaving your ass." You giggled, following.

"Don't worry, Y/N, with me, you'll always be safe." Dean gave you a panty-dropping smile.

The crash had injured you even more than you already were. You had no idea the state you were in much less the state Dean, Sam, John or even Baby was in. You didn't realize the seriousness of the situation.

You were unconscious, unaware that you were slowly dying.

Even through this mental state, you heard voices. Voices that were asking you to open your eyes and to please be awake. You wanted to open and to tell them you were alright but your body didn't want to. You wanted to be able to see Dean's smile one more time but your eyes didn't want to open.

You couldn't remember much, just that the demon you've been hunting for a year decided it wanted you dead. Why did it want you dead? What plan did it have for Sam that you were messing up? What was going on?

It was like you were sitting on a chair, in the back of your dark mind, just waiting to be released. You couldn't get up, you couldn't speak; all you could do was stare and wait for something to happen. You felt your body being moved and sirens all around but you couldn't wake up.

You heard Sam call for you to wake up but that is when you slipped back into your mind, free of any pain.


You groaned as you opened your eyes, a white light blinding you. You tossed your head to the side but that was a mistake considering it was throbbing. You opened your eyes and began panicking. Where the hell was Dean?

"Thank God, you're awake." You turned your head to see Sam there with a black eye and some cuts. He looked like shit but he was up and walking. He did have on his regular clothing and you needed to get up.

"Where's Dean..." You said, breathing faster.

"Y/N... He..." The look on Sam's face wasn't good at all.

"No, no, Sam, please tell me he's awake. Sam, please tell me he's awake! I have to go see him." You got up despite your body wanting too. You felt the pressure inside of you begging to be boiled over but you wouldn't let it. You needed to see Dean. You needed to know he was okay.

"Y/N lay back down. You're hurt." Sam said, trying to get you to lay down.

"No! Bring me to Dean or I'm going myself!" You yelled at him. He sighed and since there was nothing he could do to stop you, he helped you up and led you to the room Dean was in. You stopped dead in your tracks at what you saw.

Dean was hooked up to all these machines with tubes down his mouth for breathing support.

"No, Dean!" You cried, walking to him on your own.

Dean was in the room, watching you inch towards him. He had no idea what was going on but he needed to wake up.

"Dean, you gotta wake up." You cried, touching his hand.

Dean felt a touch on his hand. It tingled as you kept in contact with you. He needed to get back to you.

"Dean!" You sobbed, shaking his shoulder. "Sam, he needs to be awake! I can't live without him." Your heart broke and you fell to your knees, sobbing in your hands.

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