Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things- Part 1

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Mary Winchester was a sensitive topic for Dean. He loved her so much but he was afraid of her disappearing from his mind. He was only 4 when she died and now, as an adult, it's hard to remember something from that age.

He was trying so hard to keep her in there but every year, she slips further from his memory. Same thing goes for you. You were always having a hard time remembering your mom. You've been without a mom for so long that any new story of her, you grasped onto. You couldn't let her slip from your memory, you tried so hard.

Mary wasn't buried since she burned in that house but her uncle made a headstone for anyone to cherish her memory. You wished your mom had that. She was cremated because those were her wishes. You never got her ashes since you were a kid so they gave her to her family, whom you never met.

When Sam found out where her grave was, he made Dean take him there. Dean didn't want to visit it but Sam did and everyone knew that Dean did whatever Sam wanted.

"Come on, Sam, this is stupid. We should go back." Dean begged, driving to the cemetery.

"Why it this stupid?" Sam asked, a little offended. Sam had no memory of his mother and this was the only way to feel close to her.

"Mom doesn't even have a grave. There was no body left after the fire." Dean said, clenching his jaw as he talked about her.

"She has a headstone," Sam said, looking at the road.

"Yeah, put up by her uncle, a man we've never even met. So, you wanna go pay your respects to a slab of granite put up by a stranger?"

"Dean, that's not the point. It's all about her memory. I didn't even know her but by the stories I've heard, I could tell she was a pretty great mom. I wished John had a grave so we could visit. I wish my mom had a grave. It doesn't matter where she is but it matters where you place her memory." You explained gently, looking at Dean.

"Sure." Dean nodded, not listening to you or Sam.

"You didn't have to come," Sam said.

"Why don't we swing by the roadhouse instead? I mean, we haven't heard anything on the demon lately. We should be hunting that son of a bitch down." Dean said, sighing.

"That's a good idea, you should. Just drop me off, I'll hitch a ride, and I'll meet you there tomorrow."

"Yeah, right, and leave me stuck with those people, making small talk? No thanks." Dean continued to drive. He made it to the grave site and actually got out but went nowhere near the grave. Sam immediately walked over to the grave and knelt down, speaking lowly.

"Dean, she would be proud of you." You said, standing next to another gravestone.


"Dean, just listen. Despite how John raised you into this shitty life, you are an amazing man and I wish Mary were here to see that. I wish I could have met her. Thank her for giving me you." You laced your fingers with his and placed your head on his shoulder. He didn't say anything and that was okay. He just needed to hear that.

"Look at that," Dean said, changing topics. You lifted your head and looked at the dead tree by the grave you were standing by.

"So? It's a tree." You looked at Dean.

"It's a dead tree. Cemeteries work to keep their plants alive to make it look nice." Dean frowned, backing up a bit, looking at the ground. You followed him and finally saw what he was seeing. A perfect circle of dead grass was surrounding that gravestone.

"You think something is going on here?" You asked, looking at him.

"This doesn't happen. We should check it out to make sure." Dean looked at you. When Sam was done, you three got into the car and Dean left to go find out more about that grave. He stopped at a place where he knew he could get information while you and Sam waited outside.

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