Roadkill- Part 3

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You brought the brothers out of earshot from her and sighed.

"I think we should tell her about her husband." You said, looking at Sam for help since he was the more likely to be convinced.

"We can't." Dean said with a shake of his head.

"Come on, Dean, I agree with Y/N. It's cruel letting her pine after him like this. I don't like keeping her in the dark." Sam sided with you.

"It's for her own good. Look, I know you feel guilty, alright? But let's just stick to the plan. Let's get her out of here. Then we'll tell her." Dean said, looking at the two of you.

"Tell me what? What aren't you guys telling me? It's about David, isn't it? You know what happened to him." Molly said, hearing what you said. Now she was pissed and an angry spirit was never good.

"Molly..." Sam started.

"Sam, don't." Dean interrupted. You sighed and bit your lip, wondering what you should do.

"Don't what? Don't tell me because I'll mess up your hunt? You don't care about me or my husband." Molly said, getting angry.

"That's not true, Molly." You said, looking at her.

"Really? Then whatever it is, tell me, please." She begged with her eyes. You didn't know what to do and you looked at the brothers, finally having a silent conversation with them through yours eyes. You never got the chance to tell her anything because you heard a radio, out of nowhere, turn on. It was static at first but then House of The Rising started playing and Molly became scared. Shit.

"He's coming." Molly said.

"Stay here, all of you." Dean said, leaving the room to follow the noise. You sighed and looked at Sam, wondering if you should backup Dean but decided against it because Greeley wasn't here for Dean. He was here for Molly and two hunters with her was better than one.

You held your shotgun up, ready to fire at anything with their insides spilling out of them.

"Stay here." Sam said, cautiously stepping to the next room and you looked at him to say something but something crashed through the window and you cringed inward, shielding your eyes from any glass. Molly screamed as Greeley took her, pulling her out of the window.

Dean came running back and you looked at him and Sam.

"Greeley's got her!" You and the brothers jumped out the window and ran through the woods, hoping you would catch them but you lost sight of them.

"What do you we do now?" You asked, panting as you looked at the brothers.

"Let's go back to the house," Dean said, bringing you and Sam back to the house. "Damn, that guy is persistent."

"Dean, we have to go find Molly." You said, looking at him.

"No, we have to Greeley's bones and no pressure or anything but we have about 2 hours before sunrise." Dean said, stressed about this. Sam went back to the photo album to look at it himself and frowned a bit.

"Hey, check this out. There's a photo in here that was taken on February 6th, 1992."

"Isn't that two weeks before the accident?" You asked, walking to him.

"Yeah. I mean, it looks like the hunting cabin, but... I swear there's a tree there right where they're standing. I should've thought of it." Sam said, showing you and the Dean the photo.

"What is it?"

"It's an old country custom, Dean. Planting a tree as a grave marker." Sam said, looking at Dean.

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