Roadkill- Part 2

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As Molly lead the way to the Cabin, Sam was talking to her to keep her busy and you were trailing behind with Dean, looking up at him.

"How are we going to break it to her? If she acted this way when she found out we were hunters, how do you think she'll react to the fact that she's dead?" You whispered.

"I know but right now, one problem at a time. Here," Dean said, reaching into the bag and handing you a shotgun with rocksalt bullets. You smiled and took the gun, checking it over, before bringing it to your side.

"This is it. This is where I saw him." Molly said, stopping as she pointed to a cabin that didn't look too friendly. You walked up to the door and peered inside, seeing vicious tools hanging from the ceiling and a bloodstained table.

"Must have been his hunting cabin." You stated.

"Huh. Seemed like a real sweet guy." Dean said from behind you, looking inside.

"No markers or headstones outside." Sam said after he finished a quick look around the place.

"You're looking for Greeley's grave? Why?" Molly asked.

"So we can dig up his bones and salt and burn them." You said, not sugarcoating it at all.

"Oh. Sure, naturally." Molly said with a small scoff.

"It's a way to get rid of a spirit." Sam said.

"And that will save David?"

"Well, this is what will help the both of you, provided there is a corpse to be found." You said, walking closer to her.

"So, how do we find it?" Molly asked determined.

"I'm not sure. After Greeley died, his wife claimed the body and that was the last anyone saw of her. So, good guess she brought him back here. But they had a thousand acres. He could be buried anywhere on them." Sam said with a sigh.

"So, this is really what you guys do? You're like Ghostbusters?"

"That's one way of putting it but we're the real deal. We're not Ed and Harry if you know what I mean." You chuckled at the memory of the Ghostfacers. You kind of missed those two gentlemen.

"No, I don't." She said, shuffling.

"This is a fascinating conversation and all, but this highway is only haunted once a year, and we got till sun-up to wrap this thing up. What do you say we move it along, okay? Great." Dean said, patting your shoulder and walked ahead of you, leading the way around the property.

"Ed and Harry were these two amateur ghost hunters that didn't know what they were doing." You said to Molly, following the brothers.

"I wonder what happened to those two." Sam said, looking at you but you shrugged.

"So, what are we looking for?" Molly asked.

"Greeley's house. We think he might be buried there. Why don't you look for paths or something that's close by. You don't want to go too far from us." You said with a smile.

"Yeah, okay." She said with a sigh. She started walking and all was silent and before you knew it, she was calling out her husband's name in a panic, running away from the group.

"Molly!" You exclaimed, looking at the brothers. You heard her scream and you didn't wait for them to follow you. You rushed over to her and saw Greeley who had a hold of her. You raised your shotgun and shot the taller spirit, making him go away.

"Hey are you alright?" You asked, rushing to her.

"What has that son of a bitch done with my husband?" Molly demanded, getting more tears.

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