Playthings- Part 6

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The Winchesters followed you with Susan rushing behind. The door was locked so you waited for Susan to unlock it. When you walked inside, the floor was covered in broken dolls but no Tyler anywhere.

"Tyler!" Susan yelled, rushing through the room and up the stairs only to come back empty handed. "She's not here!"

"Susan, I need you to calm down, okay? Tell us what you know about Maggie." You said, trying to get her to calm down.

"I don't know much, only that Tyler's been talking about her since my mom got sick." Susan said, trying to calm down.

"Okay, did you ever know anyone by that name?" Dean asked.

"Uh, no," Susan said, not sure of herself.

"Think, I mean, somebody that could have lived here, might have passed away?" Dean tried again. Susan's look went from confusion to realization in seconds.

"Oh, my God, my mom had a sister named Margaret but she barely spoke about her."

"Did Margaret happen to die here when she was a kid?" You asked, remembering the little girl you saw.

"She drowned in a pool." Susan said.

"You have a pool here, right?" You asked. When she nodded, you took her hand and made her lead you to it. There was no time to waste. You rushed through the garden to the pool house but when you reached the door, it wouldn't budge. It was like it was locked but the lock wasn't locked. Sam and Dean took over and started to pound on the door but the glass wouldn't break.

"Tyler!!!" Susan screamed for her daughter.

"Mommy!!" You could hear Tyler's scared voice come from inside. Dean did some more pounding on the glass and all of a sudden, you four heard Tyler scream and a big splash in the pool.

"Tyler!!!!" Susan screamed.

"Is there another entrance?" You asked.

"Yeah, around back." Susan said. You looked at Dean and he nodded, knowing what you were thinking.

"You stay with Sam and Susan and I will go try the other entrance." Dean said, taking Susan's hand.

"Be safe!" You said as they left. Sam grunted as he continued to pound on the door and you looked around the garden, trying to think of something that could help you out. You were wasting time just waiting around.

"Sam, try this." You spotted a rock and picked it up, which Sam took and started banging the glass on. You could see the glass start to crack and before you knew it, he had the glass shattered and he rushed through the opening, not hesitating to jump inside the pool.

Dean and Susan took that time and met you inside the pool house just as Sam grabbed Tyler and heaved her out of the water. He carried her and laid her down on the ground, checking for breathing. With a few pumps to the chest, Tyler was coughing up water.

"Mommy!" She said, crawling to her mother.

"Tyler!" Susan said, holding her daughter. You sighed out of relief, hoping that this was over. "It's okay, baby, you're okay."

"Tyler, do you see Maggie anywhere?" You asked.

"No, she's gone." Tyler said in a scared voice. You nodded and sighed, helping Tyler and Susan back into the hotel to pack up their things.

"I don't get it, Maggie just stopped?" Dean said, confused.

"Wait, I don't think that's what happened..." You said, trailing off. You looked over at Susan to see her rushing around.

"Don't worry, honey, we just need to get grandma, okay?" Susan said, leaving her daughter and going inside the playroom, leaving the door open.

"What do you mean?" Dean brought you back to reality.

"Maggie was Rose's sister. Maggie just wouldn't let them go. I think something it going to happen to Rose." You said, your feet moving before the words left your mouth. Suddenly, you heard Susan scream and that is what made you run. The Winchesters followed you and you stopped at the doorway of Rose's room.

Rose was dead.


"The paramedics said it was another stroke. Do you think it was Maggie?" Susan asked, watching as he ambulance left with Rose inside their car.

"We don't know that for sure." Dean said.

"But it's possible, yeah," Sam said with a sigh. "Susan, I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. You saved my daughter's life. Thank you." Susan said with a smile. Just then, Tyler came running out of the hotel and to her mom's side.

"Now, Tyler, are you sure Maggie isn't around anymore?" You asked, biting your lip.

"I'm sure. I'd see her." Tyler said with a shake of her head.

"I guess whatever's going on must be over." Dean said. Sam walked over to the taxi cab that was waiting and held the door open as the girls got inside.

"Take care, alright?" Sam said with a smile, closing the door.

"Thank you." Susan said with a smile.

"You're welcome." You said. It felt nice to be thanked for after a case. It rarely happened. The cab pulled away and you sighed, looking at the brothers.

"I think you could have hooked up some MILF action there, bud. I'm serious, I think she liked you." Dean said to Sam, slapping him on the chest with a crooked smile.

"Yeah, because that's all she needs right now." Sam said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, you saved the mom and you saved the girl. Not a bad day. 'Course you know, I could have saved them myself, but I didn't want you to feel useless." Dean said, smirking.

"Right, I appreciate it." Sam said sarcastically.

"Alright, boys, I think it's time to go." You said, walking back to the Impala, getting in the backseat. Sam and Dean got in and Dean pulled away from the hotel shortly after.

"You know, I meant what I said last night, Dean." Sam said after a while. You didn't think Sam remember what him and Dean talked about.

"We talked about a lot of things last night." Dean said, his whole body tensing.

"You know what I mean."

"You were wasted."

"But you weren't. You promised." Sam said, looking at Dean. Dean clenched his jaw but didn't say a word back to him.

"Well, I didn't. Sam, I don't care what the fuck you say, you are not dying under my watch. Dean may have promised but I didn't." You said, looking at Sam who looked back at you with hopeful eyes.

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