Everybody Loves a Clown- Part 4

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It's been hours and nothing happened since. Dean was dozing off in the front seat while you and Sam watched the house. You saw a light go on in the house and you saw the little girl clearly walk down the stairs and go to the front door where you saw the clown.

"Dean, Sam, it's here." You were out of the car and running to the house in no time. The boys followed you and Dean handed you your gun. Sam easily picked the lock and you entered the house in time to see the clown walking into the house. The little girl led the clown towards you and Sam and Dean had their gun while you were going to grab the little girl.

When they came into view, you grabbed the girl who started screaming her ass off. Sam and Dean both shot the clown who fell on the ground with a thump. Damn, this thing wasn't a spirit. The clown quickly got up and leaped out the window, turning invisible as he ran away.

The parents picked a great time to come rushing out to see what was going on.

"What's going on here?" The dad demanded.

"Oh my god, what are you doing to my daughter?!" The mother said, freaking the hell out. You let go of the girl and she ran to her mom.

"Who the hell are you? Get out! Get out of my house!" The father yelled at you three. You didn't waste any time in getting out of the house.

"We need to ditch this car." You suggested while hopping into the backseat. You were thankful Dean didn't have his car because it stuck out like a sore thumb. Man, this case is getting out of hand.


It was the next day that Dean decided to ditch the car. He parked it on a back road and got out your belongings and ditched the rest.

"You really think they saw our plates?" Sam asked, carrying his bag.

"I don't wanna take the chance. Besides, I hate this fucking thing anyway." Dean grumbled. You started to walk down the road, your duffel bag slung over your shoulder.

"Now, I know definitely that the blind man is the clown. You hit something solid. It isn't a spirit." You said, looking at Dean.

"But a person that can make itself invisible? Did dad ever mention it in his journal?" Sam said, confused.

"Hey, let me ask Jo. Maybe she or Ellen might know." You pulled out your cell phone and dialed Jo.

"Hello?" She answered after a few rings.

"Hey, Jo, I was wondering something about this case. Maybe you, your mom or Ash might know what we're dealing with."

"What happened?" She asked. You heard some shuffling going on in the background.

"An invisible killer clown. Yeah, Sammy is having a blast over here." You looked at the brothers and by the looks on their faces, you knew that they were fighting.

"Killer Clown? Oh man, maybe Ash might know something about that. Let me go get him." While you waited, you looked over at Sam and Dean who were arguing real bad.

"You know what, back off, alright? Just because I'm not caring and sharing like you want me to." Dean said, rolling his eyes.

"No, no, no, that's not what this is about, Dean. I don't care how you deal with this. But you have to deal with it, man. Listen, I'm your brother, alright? I just want to make sure you're okay." Sam said. You understood where he was coming from but same goes for Dean.

"Dude, I'm okay. I'm okay, okay? I swear, the next person who asks me if I'm okay, I'm gonna start throwing punches. These are your issues, quit dumping them on me!" Dean yelled.

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