What Is And What Should Never Be- Part 1

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You tossed and turned all night, not really getting enough sleep. You weren't prone to have insomnia but it did come and go every once in a while, and this was one of those times you couldn't sleep at all. You sighed and turned on the lamp by your bed, leaving the room in a soft glow.

You looked over at Dean and smiled, glad to have him by your side. You loved him with all your heart and you could never think of not spending the rest of your life with him. You got up, careful not to wake him up and turned the lamp back off.

You pulled on your robe and walked out of the room, down the hall and to the kitchen where you would make a pot of coffee. It was Saturday so you didn't have to go to work, thankfully. There were only so many adults you could handle before you would need a glass of wine to sooth your nerves.

You hummed as you brewed your coffee, thinking about your time with Dean and how much of a wonderful man he's been all these years you've been with him. You've had a lot of fun when it was just the two of you but now that you had Charlie and now Bella, your life couldn't have been more perfect.

You heard heavy footsteps come down the hall and you smiled, turning around to face your wonderful husband. He shouldn't even be up since he had to be in work the next morning but you did like the late night adventures while the kids were asleep.

"Y/N?" Dean asked when he came into view of you.

"Hey Dean, what are you doing up?" You asked.

"Where are we?" He asked, confused as he looked around the kitchen.

"What do you mean? You're home." You frowned, wondering if there was something wrong.

"What are you talking about? This isn't home. The Impala and motel rooms are home."

"Dean, are you okay? You're acting weird." You were really worried for him.

"No, what happened last night? The Djinn attacked me, remember? You were with me and we were hunting this thing and it touched my face and then the next thing I remember, I woke up in a bedroom." He said, pacing the room.

"Dean, stop it right now, you're scaring me and you're going to wake Bella." You said, worried for you and your children. Dean never acted this way.

"Who's Bella? Look, Y/N, please, humor me. Where are we?" You sighed and decided to play his little game, hoping he would cut it out.

"Lawrence, Kansas."

"What happened last night?"

"You came home from work and I had a long day at school."

"You're going to school? For what?" He asked.

"I'm a teacher, Dean, you know this. A teacher for a Mythology class. Honey, Djinn's aren't real." You said, biting your lip in worry.

"Look, I know you think I'm crazy but you have to help me." Dean said, his eyes pleaded with you.

"Mom? Dad?" You looked over to your right and sighed when you saw your oldest child appear, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Charlie, go back to bed. I'm sorry we woke you." You said with a sigh, hoping that you didn't wake Bella.

"We have kids?" Dean asked, his eyes wide with love and another emotion that you couldn't place.

"Dean, would you like me to call your mom? I'm sure she's still awake. She could always make you calm down when you're like this." You suggested, going to the phone to call her.

"My mom? She's alive?" He whispered the last sentence but you still heard it. Before you could touch it, Dean was out the door and in his car, driving away.

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