No Exit- Part 4

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It didn't take long for Ash to email you the names of all the people who have died on this land. Your jaw dropped when you saw just how long that list was.

"Damn, there are over 150 names on here." You said, sighing. You scrolled through them to see if you may have recognized the names on here.

"We gotta narrow that down." Dean said, taking a swig of his beer. You kept scrolling, reading the names carefully before stopping on one that stood out.

"You have to be fucking kidding me." You said, clicking on the name.

"What did you find?" Dean asked, interested.

"Herman Webster Mudgett. You know who that is?" You said, sighing deeply.

"No, who is that?" Jo asked, confused.

"H.H. Holmes. He was executed on May 7th, 1896 at Moyamensing." You groaned.

"Are you serious?" Dean asked, scoffing.

"Who is this guy?" Jo asked, oblivious.

"This is the very first serial killer in America before anyone knew what a serial killer was. I mean, this guy killed over hundreds of people in his little castle he built. The choice of victims were young blonde women which is kind of a good thing that we're here. He used chloroform to capture them." You explained to Jo.

"That is what I smelled, Sammy, in the hallways. This makes total sense." Dean said, lightly hitting his brother in the arm.

"Okay, so why don't we just salt and burn the bones?" Jo said.

"It's not that easy. His body was buried in town but it's encased in a couple tons of concrete. Apparently, he didn't want anyone mutilating his corpse like he did with his victims." You said, not needed the internet for this information.

"It's strange how much you know about this man." Dean said, chuckling.

"Hey, you're the one who's dating me." You smiled, looking at him.

"Okay, so how are we going to close this case?" Jo asked.

"Remember that Castle he built? Well, he built it to kill his victims. The whole place was rigged. He had trap doors, acid vats, pits and he even built secret chambers inside the walls to lock his victims in. Probably to suffocate or starve them. Which, now that I'm thinking about it, is probably where these girls are being taken. The walls." You said, piecing the puzzle together.

"So, Teresa could be alive then." Jo added.

"Alright, Sam and I are going to get the sledgehammers and the crowbars from the car. You girls stay here until we get back. We are going to smash these walls that look thick enough to fit a girl in there." Dean said, leaving the room with his brother.

"You just happen to have sledgehammers and crowbars in the car?" Jo asked.

"Jo, we've been doing this long enough to know what we will need and what we won't. You can't ever be too prepared." You said, finishing the rest of Dean's beer. Dean and Sam came back and you split off like last time. So, you and Jo took the higher floors and Sam and Dean took the lower floors.

"Here goes nothing." You said, holding the sledgehammer like a baseball bat and swinging. You hit the wall as hard as you could and plaster went everywhere. Just like you predicted, the walls gave way and you and Jo could easily fit in there.

You pulled out your phone and dialed Dean to let him know what you were going to do.

"Hey, did you find one?" Dean asked when he answered.

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