Houses of the Holy- Part 4

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When you got there, you got everything set up, placing the candles where they needed to be and the Spongebob placemat, face down, in the middle of it. You were in front of Gregory's grave and Sam held the journal in his hand, flipping to the right page.

You stood behind him, making sure no one was coming but once Sam started to speak, you weren't focused on lookout duties anymore. You wanted to see what would happen.

"Amate spiritus obscure te quaerimus, te oramus nobiscum colloquere aput nos circita." Sam spoke in Latin. You could make out some of the words but your Latin wasn't that good right now. Sam got out some herbs he had and sprinkled it on the black candle. It flared once, brightly but nothing else happened.

"What are you doing? What is this?" Your head snapped to the entrance and saw Father Reynolds entering the place. You and Sam both stood to face him and you looked at Sam for help.

"Uh, Father, please. I can explain. Um, actually, maybe I can't. This is a séance." Sam said, wincing because it sounded so bad.

"A séance? Young man, you are in the House of God." The priest narrowed his eyes.

"It's based on early Christian rites, if that helps any." Sam said, trying to make it better.

"Enough. You're coming with me," Father Reynolds said, grabbing Sam's arm. "You as well, young lady."

"Father, please, just wait a second, if you will." You tried pleaded but nothing was working. As Father Reynolds pulled you to the exist, there was a bright, white light that shone from behind you three. You all turned around and actually saw what those people and Sam were talking about.

But you didn't see an Angel like you saw before, no, you saw a person there.

"Oh my god! Is that... is that an angel?" Father Reynolds said in awe.

"No, it's not. It's just Father Gregory." Sam said in disappointment. You looked at Sam with a sigh and placed your hand over his to let him know he wasn't alone. The bright light dimmed to reveal a young and handsome priest.

"Thomas?!" Fr. Reynolds said in shock.

"I've come in answer to your prayers," Fr. Gregory said with a calm smile. He looked over at Sam and frowned. "Sam. I thought I sent you on your path. You should hurry."

"Father Gregory, I don't know if you know this but you're not an Angel." You said quickly, looking at the spirit.

"Of course I am."

"No, you're a man, who's a spirit and you need to rest." Sam said with a sigh.

"I was a man, but now I'm an angel. I was on the steps of the church and I felt that bullet pierce right through me. But there was no pain and suddenly I could see everything. Father Reynolds, I saw you, praying and crying here. I came to help you." Gregory said with another calm smile, not fazed by what Sam said.

"Help me, how?"

"Father Reynolds, those murders were because of him." You said quietly to the breathing priest. Reynolds looked at you in pain and then back at the spirit.

"Those murders... that was because of you?"

"I received the Word of God. He spoke to me and told me to smite the wicked. I'm carrying out his will."

"You're driving innocent people to kill." Fr. Reynolds said sadly.

"Those innocent people are being offered redemption. Some people need redemption. Don't they, Sam?" The spirit said, looking at Sam accusingly. You looked at Sam to see it hurt him.

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