No Exit- Part 1

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The faster you figure out and deal with this demon shit, the fast you will be happy. You had no idea when you were going to kill him or even how, since the Colt is gone and you have no way of tracking it down. You were running out of options and you didn't know what to do anymore. Your mom was gone and John was gone. You haven't spoken to your dad in weeks and you were beginning to think that there wasn't going to be an end to any of this.

There were nights where you caught yourself thinking that you shouldn't even be alive since that is what the demon wanted. You weren't supposed to have this power. You didn't even know how you got it in the first place. You didn't have any kind of answer and you wished that you knew someone who did.

Working with the Harvelles was a huge help since Ash seemed to know a lot more than you do and have been very helpful these last couple of days. They offered you a place to stay and you've been more than grateful. You helped around the bar, always doing little chores to make this easier on Ellen and Jo.

Sam, of course, helped too but Dean would just use their alcohol. There wasn't a major problem with this but he was reluctant to have them on board with this whole demon thing. It wasn't their family that he was targeting. But you could use all the help you could get.

"We should go to Los Angeles," Dean said as he pulled up to the Roadhouse.

"Why? What's there?" You asked, getting out of the car. It was the beginning of November which meant cold days and even colder nights. Growing up in Kansas made you used to the cold weather so 50 degrees was nothing to you. It even got to 28 degrees in the night.

"I may or may not have found a case," Dean said, getting out with his brother.

"Yeah? You got a name?" Sam asked, wondering when Dean found the time to search for the case.

"Katie Holmes," Dean smirked. You rolled your eyes and scoffed. You weren't jealous at all but of course, Dean would think she was hot. Katie Holmes was no Ruby Rose, that's for sure.

"So, in other words, he found nothing." You teased, smirking at Dean.

"Hey, not my fault she exists." Dean shrugged.

"Sure, say things like that in front of your girlfriend. That will get you laid." You said, crossing your arms.

"Eh, you'll do for now." Dean shrugged, teasing you. You narrowed your eyes playfully and was about to come up with a witty comeback when you heard yelling and screaming come from inside the roadhouse. You looked at the boys before walking inside and looking up to see Jo and her mother on the second floor of the bar, yelling at each other.

"I am your mother! I don't have to be reasonable!"

"You can't keep me here!" Jo yelled back.

"I wouldn't bet on it, sweetie," Ellen said in a cold voice. You had no idea what they were yelling about but you knew it wasn't good. For the time, you were staying here, Jo and her mother have been short with each other lately and you could only guess what this was about.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to chain me up in the basement?" Jo challenged her mother.

"You know what? You've had worse ideas. If you want to leave so badly, then you're more than welcome to go back to school!"

"I didn't belong there. I was the freak that had a knife collection, mom." Jo complained.

"And getting killed on a back road is where you belong?" Ellen scoffed. She turned and spotted you before you had a chance to hide. "Bad time, guys."

"Yes, ma'am," Sam said immediately, nodding.

"No, Ellen, what were you fighting about?" You asked, walking further into the bar.

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