The stars of Paris

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A/N: I will just put random SpideyChelle fan art on top because I cannot find pictures to relate to the individual chapters, chapters will be about 900 - 1100 words long with regular updates

I hope you like it!!

Peter POV
It was beautiful out there, the stars were shining, glistening proudly and it was warm enough for me and Ned to be wearing shorts. We were in Paris on a field trip with the rest of our class and the air seemed to hold a sweet aroma of roses as it blew past me, sitting on the windowsill. I was writing an email to Aunt May about my time here, however, it had morphed into a "top ten list of reasons I love MJ"

Michelle was currently sat under our hotel room on the street kerb, enjoying the blissful evening like us while she drew the sun-kissed landscape around her, it was a stunning town yet when she turned back a little way it was clear to see that she would easily beat it in a beauty contest.

"The sunset really brings out her eyes, don't you think," I say to Ned who is currently sat over the other side of the room doing homework.

"You can't even see her eyes, your staring like a creep" Ned jokes, poking fun at the fact I may have a crush

"No, I'm not" I reply, in denial "there's just this like magnetic force pulling me to her. Like something otherworldly"

"It's a red string" Ned answers

"A what now?" I reply

Ned explains that the red string theory is a myth, saying that soulmates or a couple who are destined to be with each other, each have an invisible red string of fate that ties them together and slowly pulls them closer. It was kinda cute, I guess but I wasn't one to believe in myths. Ned did say that it would be a red web rather than a string and that I couldn't help but laugh at.

He then continued to say that Liz and I didn't have a red string because I was always running away from her, rather than getting closer. Then came flashbacks of all those moments which wasn't pleasant, but then again it was Michelle who picked me off of the bathroom floor when I was heartbroken about the end of a relationship that never really began in the first place.

I snap out of my reverie as she starts to pick up her sketch pad and move in the direction of the magnificent Eiffel Tower. I don't blame her - this is the last night we get to ourselves and I would like to see it regardless of who else is there.

"Well?? Follow her up there... and I mean this is Paris so" Ned suggests, I know exactly what he is inferring. After a long pause I answer:

"You know what, I'm going to tell her, I am going to tell her how I feel" I have to repeat it a few times to be sure of my words but I having been staring at her for over a year now and I think she knows anyway.

I had always loved her, it was the little things that brought me to feel this way, the way her brunette curls seemed to flow down her back like a waterfall or the way she didn't care when she danced, or drew her stunning art pieces. Yeah, ever since homecoming I had started to see these things. We were inseparable as friends but now I was tired of that bland life - so so tired of suppressing something so huge

"Wow" Ned gasps, taken aback "I know you're a pretty fearless guy but I didn't expect that."

"No me neither" I reply "I'm gonna go before I change my mind" and with that, I pick up my things and shut down my computer. "Wait.. I don't wanna look like I'm following her, I can't get up there before her, " I say, disheartened.

"You can't, spiderman could"

I tell him once again that it is not a party trick yet he reminds me of the new feature Mr Stark added. Shrink mode, it meant I could wear the suit and when I was done with it the arms and legs would retract meaning it would just be like wearing a t-shirt and boxers. I could swing up there out of sight and then put my clothes on over the top and no one would have a clue.

With that thought, I am out the window and within minutes I am soaring above the starry lights of Paris that outlined every building during the night. I manage to slip my trousers on and look semi-normal for when MJ arrives at the top of the elevator

"Hey, Peter," she says, tucking a brown curl behind her ear. I smile at her warm voice " I'm sure you weren't up here a minute ago"

"No, I've uh been up here for a while yeah a while" I lie awkwardly. Then, using my spidey grip, I perch on the edge of the bars

"No need to get so protective" she jokes "I believe you." She then goes towards the edge of the platform, examining the landscape that enveloped us.

"What are you doing?" I ask nervously my heart beating out my chest.

"Well we were told no pictures from here but they didn't say no sketches" she answers, concentrating on her drawings "I've never been one for pretty views but this is breathtaking"

Michelle POV
I look down at my drawing and then down at the swirling abyss- it doesn't scare me so I jump up onto the bars to join Peter but so I am looking inwardly I see him shuffle awkwardly with his hands before speaking

"You know what else is beautiful?"

"No" I reply curiously , he has his eyes glued to the ground so much so he doesn't even realise I am sat up with him but I turn towards him anyway

Peter POV
A harsh gust of wind hits us

"You" I breathe. I turn to her with a geeky smile but instead of a smile she falls back


A Beautiful Thing (Spideychelle) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now