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Peter POV
There was a man at the end of the long corridor. Shadowed by his hood, I could not see his face, however, I knew exactly who it was. He'd been in my head for a week of torture and something told me it was not about to end now. Approaching me I get a glimpse at the knife he is holding in his left hand, sharp and glistening  menacingly

"Quite the different encounter from our first little rendezvous last week don't ya think" he mused spitefully, tossing the blade in his palm.

"I-I stabbed you" I stutter, confused and scared. He lowers himself to reach my eye level

"Did you though, did you?" he chuckles purposefully not telling me "Oh Parker, so naive, I will enjoy your fall. The little ones are always easier."

"What are you gonna do to me, kill me? Because Mr Stark will hear about this" I say trying to muster up all the courage I could in my voice yet failing as my bottom lip quivered violently

"Oh, I made sure that won't happen" he spits looking down at my suit draped around my legs. "No tracker, no nothing. Daddy can't help you now sonny. And to the first question, well no. Something much worse. Much much worse"

I quiver at the thought. What was he going to do? More importantly, what was I going to do? Tears threatened my eyes as I bit my tongue to the point of blistering.

"If you dare lay even a finger on her, you're dead" I retort truthfully.

"Oh no, no boy its nothing like that when I'm finished with you. I'll make something much worse," he taunts "I guess what I'm trying to say is you'll be like that winter soldier guy that keeps popping up, except I use different, cheaper methods, more time consuming but more painful and unlike him, you will be successful" he throws the knife at the wall, almost scraping my hair as it pierces the wooden wall behind me.

"Ok first off, he is not a bad guy, I've met him his name's Bucky. He fought with Captain America and they, they were friends. He came to Stark towers once and he he shook my hand and 2nd that would never work" I ramble. I just always go back to the Avengers when I'm scared; I can't help it.

Suddenly, the man is holding a katana at my cheek slowly dragging it down until he reaches my cheek causing a shallow and long cut that was spilling with blood as it scratched me.

"Tell that to me again son, I didn't quite here" he menaces "Thought not, oh how everyone is gonna hate people of your kind. Stark, Cap, Thor, Maximoff and all the others. Gone. Picture it, sonny, picture it I can just see the headlines. Anyway, I'll leave you for now. I need you weak before it all begins. The revolution is near and it starts with you"

I was speechless. I should say something. I knew I  should have fought back but what was I gonna do. I was powerless against this psychopath. He had knives, guns and a plan much better than mine. I began to whimper. I wanted May, I wanted Tony, Pepper's hot chocolate but most of all I wanted her. MJ. I had no concept of time in this place. Was she looking for me? Were they still at the party? Had it been longer than that. Hours, days, weeks, maybe even months.

Michelle POV
Today had been hell. A hell that I never wanted revisit. Not for any of the usual reason but the fact that I was left worried sick over Peter all day

"Idiot, call me back Peter God dammit. How hard is it to pick up your phone? You better not be dead" I screamed, teary-eyed into the voicemail for the 42nd time today.

The clock now read 11 pm and I was sat in the dirty foster home toilets shaking with fear. Ned was calling every device he could. I had called Mr Stark and Pepper although I knew full well they were on a business trip and so, I only got as far as the automated voice response.  I left Aunt May to Ned. He said he was staying the night at his - it felt wrong but she wasn't in on this so it would only cause a bigger mess for us all.

After I got to the 58th time of calling my eyes were almost bleeding from how intently I had been watching the screen. I got close to calling the police, however, I knew that couldn't fit well with Tony, I didn't have the guts either. I decided sleep was the best conclusion, not that sleep came easily when every time I shut my eyes images of Peter hurting were conjured up in the dark side of my mind.

That's when I noticed the books on my bedside table, still pristine in their covers. Pepper had bought them for me. I had devoured Percy Jackson already, but the stack labelled Harry Potter had not moved. I picked it up hoping to be whisked away into another world. I didn't enjoy them as much as I thought I would have had it been a calmer situation but to say I liked it would be an understatement

I found myself liking characters to the real world - my world. Harry is obviously Peter, innocent kind and brave who just wants to do good. Ned would be Ron for reasons I don't think I need to explain. In all of this, I hoped I could be strong enough to be Hermione.

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