The rescue PART 2

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Peter POV


I was begging for Ned to take the shot but I screwed my eyes up like him, hoping that I would be dead before I could feel any real pain. I was happy to die for my friends. If I had to, I knew it would be for them. Everything I had ever done was for them, in a roundabout way.  My spidey senses had practically exploded at this point however I heard no gunshot. Only a thud and a deafening scream

Sharply, my eyes open to see a girl holding a baseball bat over the guy who was keeping Ned in a headlock. He had dropped to the floor, I was stunned in silence. A girl dressed in a Spider Suit like mine had just knocked this dude out.

MJ, it was MJ! It was actually her! The other guy goes for her with a short smirk and a knife. Scared, I lean forward but I am limp and I had almost forgotten about my god-darn foot. Despite my concern, she quickly jumps on to a tree and webs this guy so that he can't move his hands and then just like me, when this - now furious- man stops for a short second she goes for his feet.

And just like that, another shot of pain flies through my leg as I try to move. It had been easy to ignore when I wasn't moving and terrified but the pain was endless. 

Michelle POV

I dart to him after the first guy is immobilised. As he screams in pain, I reach for him and he pulls me into a tight hug- crumbling into my arms. His face looked awful, cuts and bruises peppered scared skin that looked like he had been used as a canvas for this guy to inflict as much pain as possible. The knife cuts were deep but covered in dust and most likely infected. 

He leans his face against me, sobbing into my chest. Those tears remind me of how much I've missed him and in that moment, I don't care how battered he is or how matted his brunette hair had gotten. I simply lift the mask and kiss him like there is no tomorrow. The world slips away for a few seconds as I feel him kiss back as best he could for a man in sheer suffering. I start to tear up myself but I know I would never let him leave my arms again. 

"Who are you?" Ned stammers, his voice tremoring with the trauma of the last situation. 

I hesitate for a second but Peter gives me a limp nod, signalling it is ok for me to reveal to him. I turn back to the boy weeping on to the floor and rip my mask fully off. I see the almost comical confusion plastered on his face. He runs to us, not seeming to care about the fact I was like Peter, his warm arms wrapping around us all as if it is a protective bubble.

"You came back?" Peter whispers through heavy sobs in the hug.

"Of course we did," I reply

"We could never leave Spiderman to die now, could we?" Ned answers

"Aw, how cute" the psychopath in webbed handcuffs mocks. 

"Touch them again and your dead" I spit venomously 

"Oh, you're dead anyway" a deeper voice muses 

I look up to see Tony flying above us, like a proud but worried father he smiles slightly while still remaining serious. 

"Mr Stark!" Peter exclaims wriggling free of our grip. 

"What the hell happened to you?" he asks horrified at his face. When Peter yelps in pain again Ned stands up and Stark looks equally horrified at how pale his usual coco complexion is. He looks down at the blood seeping through Peters shoe.

"It's complicated" he mutters, still shaking violently.

"Oh Stark, I hurt him real bad. He was weak, I had great plans for him and his scummy friends but I shall be leaving now." he taunts before tiny needles began to pop up on his suit and rip through the web as he starts to run.

NO!" I yell as I chase after him, Stark followers me as the guy starts to use his rocket launcher.

I keep my eyes on him as Tony overtakes me, and I swing through trees I know I will not let him go once again. I manage to reach him and pull him out of the sky with one dwindling piece of silk. But still, he looks awfully calm. That's when I here Ned screeching at me from far away.

"THE LOCKET, THE LOCKET" He shrieks. I am unsure if I have heard him correctly at first but he keeps yelling it over and over again.

"Oh yes, the locket indeed" the sprinting man smilies villainously. I feel pure terror for a moment as he lifts a small remote with a big red button. "The locket, SpiderGirl" he chuckles as he goes to press the button.

That's when Tony gets between us, blowing the thing out of his hand on to the floor, with that I am able to web him and flip over so now I am in the front. I grab the katanas that sit in his sheaths using some techniques I had learnt from studying Peter for so long. A few hand to hand punches later, I also have a black eye and a bleeding nose but I am on top of him throwing webs in his face and eyes. When he is entirely pinned down Stark is waiting at my side. 

"Oh he was so weak, he got himself into this situation. It wouldn't have had to be so bad if he just gave me the answers to my questions but oh my lord, he was a failure. He cried when I burnt your letter to ash. How can you even call that guy a hero, measly at best" he laughs patronisingly 

"Blow him to hell" I order Tony

"With pleasure... just go back Kid, Pepper should be here. Get in the car and she'll take you back to my place" he tells me. I give him an uncertain look as he reads my thoughts. "With Peter of course," he adds with a smile "You did good kiddo, you did real good"

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