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A/N: I'm acc beginning to cry writing this. Its gonna be really long so sorry about that

Michelle POV

It had been 9 months from then. 9 months since all the drama. Nothing much had happened since then. My PTSD had been really bad lately but I was in therapy along with Peter and Ned and slowly but surely the nightmares were starting to fade away like a dark shadow was finally leaving me only so that I could walk in the sun.

There seemed to be only one bad thing, coming out of the train affair, I was no longer allowed to spend prolonged amounts of time with the Starks. I found ways around that but it was kinda sad.  I had to stay in that abysmal foster home, all I hoped was that the next person who tried to adopt me was closer than the last because as soon as I was out of the foster system I was free to go back and forth from their houses as I pleased.

After the events, my parents came back once or twice but soon gave up after Tony threatened to put them in jail. As soon as they left for good, Peter kept pestering me to go out with him as SpiderGirl - he promised he would teach me all the hiding spots and best swing points around the city. 

I reluctantly agreed and before I knew it we were going out every night. We would watch the stars glitter the dark sky and talk about everything and anything. It was the most freeing feeling in the world to be running with him, feeling my hair gently blowing in the night breeze as we leapt. 

Bad guys came and went. None of them stayed very long against the power duo tho I had even gotten to fight with Natasha Romanoff, who was -according to Peter- part of the spider family as well. 

These last few weeks we didn't have much to do in terms of crime fighting but it was fun because we tested each other. This time we were racing to the empire state building. Swinging from building to building running and jumping between them like there was no tomorrow. We laughed and giggled hysterically like never before so much so our sides hurt. 

We reached the empire state almost at the exact same time. It was a dusk evening, about 6 pm and we saw people shouting from down below.

"Fans" Peter laughs as if this will not distract him from the fact that apparently, he won the race.

We shoot down their anyway finding a small girl about the age of 3 holding hands with who I assumed was her older brother. 

"Oh my gosh" she screams innocently "It's SpiderMan and SpiderGirl"

"Hello, cutie," I say, crouching down to her height

"I drew this at school today" she exclaims as she reaches into her yellow backpack to retrieve a crumpled piece of paper. She hands it to me proudly. It is a little crayon drawing of me with the words "my hero" written to the side of it.

"This is amazing," I tell her, the thought almost bringing a tear to my eye. "You keep it though, I couldn't take something as great as this"

"No" she stamps defiantly "I want you to have it, I'll just keep giving it to you if you don't take it."

"Well," I muse "In that case, I have no choice"

I am blushing deeply. It was the little ones that always get me. I say thank you to this cute child once more before I am interrupted by an incoming call through Kaitlin (my AI)

"Incoming call from Mr Tony Stark"

I listen in anticipation, seeing the little call screen come up on the inside of my mask. When it finally stops buffering I see Tony and Pepper fighting comedically in their lounge in order to get closer to the camera

A Beautiful Thing (Spideychelle) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now