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A/N: I know I could easily just leave the story here and be done but I have another plot point which I don't think I could make an entire squeal out of so your gonna get a few more chapters. Comments and votes always appreciated  xx
I know for most of you 1.7k and 64 votes isn't much but it really means something to me so thank you

Michelle POV
Pepper took us home quickly and Tony followed hastily, urgent to tend to Peter's wound. Ned and I were left alone for a short while before Pepper called me to clear up my bruises. Sitting me down she wiped the painful bruises and gave me an ice pack for my eye, my hair was matted as hell from being in the suit without being tied up.

She brushed it and I wasn't sure if the situation called for it, however, she asked if she could braid it. I was confused at first because it didn't seem like the sort of thing Pepper would be eager to do yet she sat there as I felt a certain calmness wash over me. I'd never had a motherly figure and I knew I wasn't a girly girl but it was nice to just do normal mother, daughter activities - even if she wasn't my mother.

I went back out to Ned, who was still shaking. It was hard to process the events of the day but for him harder than anyone else. He had everything, a nice, loving family and a stable life. All he wanted to do was save a friend but before he knew it he was faced with having to kill someone (or at least thinking he would)

A few minutes later Tony came out. He told us, Peter was under anaesthetic and would be out cold for a few hours. He was desperate to find out what had happened. Ned told him everything while Tony looks in shock horror.

"I'm so sorry kid," he says, starting to tear up. "I should have been there"

"I just feel like if MJ hadn't come in when she did we both wouldn't be here yanno"

I pull Ned into a hug, resting my head on his mine.

"We're all here though, that's all that matters" I comfort him.

"Yeah" he smiles "but you two are like superhero buddies now aren't you?"

"Hey don't put yourself, kid," Tony tells him "We'd all be dead if it wasn't for your amazing skill for haking. You deserve the title more than me in this fight"

We talk for a while, Ned gives all the information he has on this guy. Only one of them was alive and he wouldn't be staying this way for long. Tony said he wouldn't even get a trial. that's what the son of a bitch deserved. He had nearly got all the information he needed and Ned had gone to get a drink when Pepper ran in. When I thought of her I fiddled with my newly braided hair but this moment called for a much bigger reaction.

"He's awake" she exclaims with a massive smile plastered across her face.

I was gone before anyone could tell me not to. I rush on the laminate flooring and almost slide right past the room. He perks up when he sees me but I can tell he is still groggy.

"Peter!" I rejoiced. "You're alive. You're here. You're actually here"

"Yeah, I'm here" he smiles "I guess I should thank you for saving my life and everything"

"Don't you ever do that again," I am chuckling but under the skin, I know I mean it much more seriously "We were all worried sick. I haven't slept since you went. I wanted to kill myself"

"And you think I wasn't" he replies "I was so scared I'd forget your face, that I would eventually forget you. I drove myself absolutely insane. That was the worst torture"

I look up to his pale skin still full of cuts you wouldn't believe.

"What did he do to you?" I asked, caressing his cheeks

"A lot MJ, a lot but yanno. cuts and bruises will heal. Even the foot however painful it might be right now. All that matters is that I'm here with you and Ned. And nobody innocent is dead."

And with that Ned comes in and everything is ok. we are complete again. We wouldn't be able to live with ourselves if Peter had died and I wasn't gonna lie about it - I felt pretty awesome even with a painful eye. Peter was in a cast and would be for the foreseeable future but I didn't care and neither did anyone else

Pepper POV

I demanded Tony let all three children stay as I thought it would be best to be kept together for the time being as they sit in the medical room, outright refusing to leave Peter's side. The next morning, I awake to the sound of cars and chattering men. I open the shutters to see about a million and one men holding cameras and microphones.

I get dressed quickly and open the door. They come flooding in, holding every piece of equipment available at my face.

"Miss Pot's, is it true about the new SpiderGirl?"

"Miss Pot's do you know her?"

"How does she feel about Spiderman?"

"Miss Pot's is she an avenger?"

"How long have you known about this girl?"

"Is Spiderman ok?"

I am overcome with questions and people.

"They are both in pretty bad shape at the moment. I would prefer if you left them alone. They will come out when they are ready" I answer disappointed faces "They've been through a lot so if you could please vacate the premises ASAP that would be appreciated"

None of them leave at first, they still stand there. Pushing their way through and almost blowing the door off the porch

"That means get lost people.. go on... " Tony says from behind me in his dressing gown "Hello, did you not hear me or my beautiful assistant. Go away!"

And with Tony's last yell they leave reluctantly.

"Talking of the kids, where are they? I didn't see them in their rooms" Tony asks. I roll my eyes grabbing his hand.

"For a smart guy Stark, you can be pretty dumb sometimes." I giggle "I don't know but my first guess would be in here"

I lead him to the medical room and I am entirely right - all three of them are in there. Michelle is on the right. Ned is on the left and Peter is squeezed in the middle while both their arms wrapped tightly around him. It is the cutest thing I had ever seen. They were happy in each others presence; they felt safe there.

When MJ is awake I tell her about the millions of news reports about her. Tony had obviously called in saying not to release her full identity, however, unlike Peter, they had her first name. Watching as she beams, I feel an immense sense of pride bubble up in me.

Michelle POV

I couldn't lie at how happy the news reports had made me. Someone had caught in on CCTV and everyone named me SpiderGirl which stuck with me. I was finally needed, wanted by more than a handful of people.

Later in the toilet, I am coming back from getting food when my phone buzzed. I pick it up, not bothering to look at the caller when a horribly familiar voice comes through the phone.

"Michelle, I thought the day would never come" the foster mistress speaks "we have someone here to inquire about adoption for you... it's your birth parents"

A Beautiful Thing (Spideychelle) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now