Where is Peter?

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A/N: Sorry for my little hiatus there but I'm back now, let's pick up where we left off shall we?

Peter POV

The last thing I remember is the sharp scratch of a needle and then darkness. Just darkness. What was this? Where was I? Was MJ ok? I mean the last thing I remember was our slightly awkward exchange.

I wake as fuzzy swirls of colour interrupt my vision in an unfamiliar room. I blink many times in an attempt to see what was going on. It takes a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the shrouding darkness and dust plumes. There was a thick and pungent smell in the air that loomed over me making it harder to focus.

I glanced around to see a desk with a chair that was attracting flies to feed on the dust mites and pieces of rotting food that sat in the open drawer untouched. On the far wall, sharp knifes hung unlike the rest of the things in this room they were polished like they were in an exhibition. However, next to the knives were an assortment of cord ropes, each one varying in thickness.

That's when I realised there was one missing from the orderly rows that the cords were packed in. And that one was tied so tightly around my wrists to the back of the chair. It then looped around my stomach, pinning me to the wooden seat  I tried to wriggle free but to no avail. I looked down at my suit. Ripped and rendered useless as it fell down to my feet.

"Come on, c'mon" I whisper to myself in anger. I wasn't trapped here. No, no no. I couldn't get out. I needed to get out but I was nothing without the suit. I was trapped here, relentlessly pulling at the rope that held me with my fingertips.

That was when I saw a dark figure progressing closer.

Michelle POV

I enjoyed the party with Ned yet I knew it would have been better with Peter there by my side. I didn't want to blame Ned though. Yet, I felt a niggling feeling of guilt pressurising me throughout the entire thing. I should have gone after him. I felt bad for just letting him go alone like that.

As the darkness crept in around us decided it would be best for us to head out to get a normal night of rest before school tomorrow. For the most part, we were just shamelessly gushing over my new favourite superhero who was of course: Peter. Ned tried calling his cell a few times but he didn't reply. We thought he had just gone to bed which -however unlike Peter- seemed like a sensible conclusion for us to make.

"Welcome home Michelle" the keeper of the foster home greeted curtly "We are so sorry to hear about your accident, what did you do again? I assume everything will be back to the normal routine from now"

This made me chuckle in the most satire way, I wanted so badly to go back with 'I just fell off a 300 feet tower only to be saved by Spiderman and the legendary Ironman so nothing really, hows you' but I swallowed my pride, not sure whether Tony had bothered to actually tell this woman what had happened apart from the fact that I fell and been saved

"Yes, mistress" I murmur. She invites me in and I work my way around the house, testing I can still walk around fine with crutches. The answer is yes with the exception of a few steps which took me a while to figure out exactly how to accomplish them.

I then headed to the dorm and waited until the four other girls that shared my room were fully asleep (that's right, I didn't even get my own room) before pulling out the suit Tony made me and stashing it away in an unseen cabinet that I knew no one ever looked in. Tony said it would only be a couple weeks until I was able to use it, seeing as the spider DNA in my cells was speeding up my recovery time drastically.

As I laid there I did wonder if Peter was ok many times even though I knew it was nothing. I rung Pepper to see if he had checked in there and he hadn't although Pepper did say he was probably just sleeping and encouraged me to do the same which wasn't so difficult when I noticed my leg was aching from the increased amount of walking I had done today.

I lay in the darkness with thoughts of our amorous exchange flickering in my mind. It didn't go the way I had hoped but the feeling still brought a smile to my face. I had had a crush on him but never really did anything with it because I was scared it would tear us apart and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving his sparkling eyes and dorky jokes. I had often doubted he would ever think of me that way when he went over girls like Liz but as a looked around the room at the sleeping beauty queens I felt a need to have him here with me. I needed his warmth right now.

I knew I didn't fit in here, I felt like an outsider in a world of girls growing up to be hookers and full-time Kardashian fangirls. What hurts the most is the fact that most of this girls didn't even bat an eyelid at the sight of me returning - not one said hello but the woman who was lawfully obligated too. It felt isolating and a person like Peter to joke around with or at least cuddle with me might just make it a little less lonely. I was alone. Alone and cold as a pang of sadness hit my chest. I didn't wanna be here anymore.

These are the thoughts I fell asleep with and when dan broke I was bounding out of bed to see him again. To hold his hand to feel his warmth. The other kids here looked at me like I was crazy and for some peculiar reason, one of the boys who hadn't been in last night was now hitting on me causing the other girls to snigger. Not liking it one bit, I ate my tiny portion of cold and sloppy porridge through grimaces and rushed out the door to meet him in our usual spot.

So imagine my surprise when there was no Peter stood at the gate for me. I waited with Ned, Peter was never late for school. And if he was doing some spider stuff (which he wouldn't at this time in the day) he would have answered his cell at least once. He didn't appear for that entire day and by the end of it dark thoughts had made a place in my mind

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