Keeping secrets in the joy

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Tony POV

The room is dark, lit only by screens that showed her vitals. I glanced at the clock which was positioned to my right: 3 27 am which meant I had been working for a little less than 5 1/2 hours. It would be alright if I could take her to a normal hospital but having a spider's web protruding from her rib cage might draw attention to us.

In fact that web meant a lot, she should have died instantly at the speeds she was travelling. An abrupt stop SHOULD have made it five times worse. But it looks like the web penetrated her at a tender spot and actually grew inside her so quickly that it was able to stop her vital organs from going into shock.

But that alone presented another problem. The microorganisms had bonded with her cellular functions meaning she may have the same abilities as Peter. Rushing around the small office looking for buttons, I manage to trigger an alarm that notifies Pepper and as expected she comes rushing in hurriedly

"Tony, is everything ok?" she asks concerned

"I triggered it by accident, sorry" I grumble, sleep deprived

"I mean is everything ok?"

"The kid has powers," I tell her, almost defeated but getting all the more angry with every word "All I wanted was to prove I could do something to help the poor boy and now look at the mess I'm in."

"What like Peter powers?" she questions confused

"Yes, like Peter powers and she's gonna wake up in a minute and I'm going to have to tell her. "

"Look I'll stay. You get a coffee" Pepper suggests

"Thanks love, but for the record were not telling Peter just yet. He'll go crazy. I need to know that both of them are safe before I let him in"

Pepper POV

Tony was obviously distressed, toying with his egotistical side against his righteous side. I often found him battling with his anxiety as it manifested itself as different emotions and habit. I thought it might be a good idea to lift some of the weight off his shoulders for a short while.

I perch my self on the edge of the bed and eventually, she starts to open her eyes

"Hey" I say gently as not to startle her.

"Where am I?" She murmurs groggily

"Stark towers" I answer, bracing myself for the reaction

"Stark towers??" She exclaims confused proceeding to push her self up on her hands. I continue to tell her what her body is going through now and what happened, she still looks quite traumatized however I deem it best to tell her it all because she deserves all the information I have.

"So is Peter really Spider-Man?"

"He risked his life for you, he risked losing his secret identity, everything he did could have had dire consequences, yet he did it anyway for you. You're not supposed to know, you must not tell anyone else but yes he is"

A beaming smile flashes across her face and fills me with joy

"I knew it," she tells me "so is that why I have these powers"

"We tend to call them abilities here, but you can't tell Peter... or anyone, I don't agree with it but it's what the boss says and he did save your life. You can't use them yet either. I don't know when you'll be allowed out but just stay put for now"

"When can I see him?" She asks innocently as I go to leave. I feel the younger, more childish side of me flutter with excitement. It was cute and I was already rooting from there relationship after having just met this girl.

"I don't know when Tony will allow it, it is 4 am after all. I will push it as much as I can. I have got some books if your thinking you're going to be bored." I reply trying not to let my stupid ecstasy spill into my speech although I have already decided that this she will be my daughter, even if she does have parents

"That would great, I'm still a bit foggy but thank you Miss Pots"

"Please, call me Pepper" I reply cheerfully

Peter POV

I was cold. I was never cold, even with Mr Starks underfloor heating and electric blanket I was still stone cold. Luckily, no one had seen me on my quick trip down to the medical room. After that I rushed back, not to cause a disturbance... for MJ's sake more than anything else. Nevertheless, I have stayed wide awake watching the clock tick off the walls ever since.

Suddenly, I hear a noise and go into my default sleeping position which I do whenever its late at night and I have to pretend like I'm asleep even though I'm really not. It is honestly the least sleep-like position I can muster, but it usually fools her. I glue my eyes shut yet, I know it is Mr Stark just from the way he treads. He opens my door and pauses for a second.

"Hey kid I know you're awake" he coughs quietly. I push myself up in bed knowing I would never surrender this quick back home.

"Is, is she" I stutter beforehe cuts me off

"Her conditions is very unstable" he speaks sourly "but she is alive an awake if you would like to go see her for-"

I jump up like a coiled spring onto the end of my bed and hug him, I see the moment is only fitting, I wanted to give him the world right now. He seems rather taken aback at this action however after a few seconds he pats me on the back. A hug from both Pepper and Tony today, I was doing well.

"I want you to know that it was your actions today that saved her, I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier" he apolgies while still holding me

"Thank you, thank you Mr stark" I breathe through tears

"Go see her kiddo, she's been waiting"

And off I go

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