The rescue PART 1

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A/N; Its finally here. the chapter you have all been waiting for, enjoy the angst its gonna be sadder than you think

Peter POV

I woke to the disconcerting sounds of rough, angry voices talking in a foreign language. Their voices are deep demanding, kind of scaring for me even in a language I didn't understand. It took me a minute to succumb to my surroundings but I soon realised I had been untied. The ropes replaced with handcuffs and a shock collar. I try to recall the events before I passed out however it is nearly impossible as I had just blacked out. My legs feel numb as the pain from the knives continued to make itself known.

I catch myself in one of the knives blades. My skin is pale, the cuts and bruises now a deep purple as they cover the crimson patches of dried scarlet. blood. My black eye is the worst, on my left side it is pussy and mangled. Vile fleshy puss oozing out as it throbbed immensely.

"Oh, had a nice sleep I hope," One sadistic guy says as he leans on the door frame.

"Let him be Nico a familiar voice speaks as he sips liquor "You have been unconscious for 3 days, but today yeh gonna do amazing things sonny"

A small smile plays on his lips as he grabs my hand firmly and drags me to a nearby window. I had almost forgotten what the world looked like as my brain calculated it had been at least 11 days in this hell.

"We're gonna go into those woods and oh Parker when you come out your gonna be a new man, superheroes have destroyed this world but this, well this just gonna help everyone else see that" he muses patronisingly as he ruffles his hand through my matted hair. Just like Mr Stark used to do. I missed him.

I couldn't quite focus on his words or what he meant by them all I could focus on was my gnawing hunger and my want to get back home. To see her, her face was the only thing that stopped me from going insane.

The other guy was stood behind me, I had deducted that his name was Nico, he was holding both a blade and a knife. That was when I noticed that the guys both had matching suits. There were identical to the one that he was wearing in our first battle. A midnight black all in one suit with katana sheaths and a glaring orange button to activate the hood. I look back down the dark hallway to see my iron spider suit that Mr Stark made me, it was in shreds, blood spattered the outside while many small wires were left ripped and pulled out of the original places.

Had I lost to these psychopaths?

"If you try anything kid we shoot... not just you though. Make that known in your puny brain" Nico spits

I nod in fear as he pushes me forward. He grabs my hands and ties them awkwardly with a rope behind my back

"We're going now" the first guy demands.

And with that, we are walking. My right leg is practically numb from being in the chair but Nico urges me to move faster with every couple of steps. I yelp and cry but no one hears or seem to care. When we have walked no more than a quarter of a mile. I see someone out of the corner of my eye. I struggle out of their grip to see who it is.

Ned. Even after a few blinks, I am sure it is him. At first, I feel a rush of excitement but that quickly fades into fear. Why was he here? These guys would easily take him if he came up to challenge them. He would end up in agony, like me. He didn't deserve that. I see him running frantically towards me as I silently plead for him to stop.

"Peter! PETER!" He yells breathless

"Get away" I mouth to him, he doesn't seem to understand and keeps running with all he had. I mouth once again but to no avail. I try once more but this time sound slips out and both men turn their heads sharply.

"You know this dude Parker?" One of them questions harshly

Shit, what was I supposed to do? They would kill him for sure.

"Kill him" Nico orders as one of them goes to Ned's side. My friend does his best to escape however the psychopath pulled him back in, holding a gun to his head.

"Don't touch him!" I bellow with all my strength

"You don't like that, Parker?" he taunts maliciously. "Ok... I guess we'll have to do something else?"

I watch in shock as this guy takes his gun and places it in Ned's shaking hands. From his buckle, he pulls another pistol and holds it to his head. Neds' whole body is quivering as Nico pushes me with brute force until I am facing him head-on.

"So here's how it gonna work, you shoot him and everything is alright. If you don't, he lives but your a goner"

"No" Ned whispers, tears trickling down his plump face. I had never seen Ned sad and it was like a dagger to the chest to see him in such a state.

"Oh and not just that" he exclaims, pulling a small remote ou "You know that necklace you bought your girlfriend. Well I had everything in that shop rigged with tiny explosives that will blow up when I press this button"

"Ned has she got it on?" I spoke with urgency almost making my voice inaudible

"Are you kidding me, she hasn't taken it off since the day you gave it to her" he sobs painfully

"Oh, not just that. Everyone else who bought that necklace will have the same fate come to them" he chuckles even more sadistically "You have twenty seconds to decide your fates"

I knew what needed to be done, I knew it wouldn't be easy but I knew I couldn't just let all those innocent people lose their lives because of me.


"Come on," I muttered trying to free myself from his grip.

"Stop moving" Nico demands, shooting my foot.

I yelp in pain but try to smile through the absolute agony. It turned into more a grimace but I knew Ned needed. It shouldn't be him- It wasn't fair but it is and the world would thank him for it

"Fifteen" The voice yells

"Ned, come on man, just do it. It'll be alright" I cry

"I can't" he utters, still shaking "I can't kill my best friend" he sobs


"Ned, just pull the trigger. I'm right here" I plead through sobs


"No, please, the world needs a Spiderman," he tells me, looking me right in the eye.


"MJ is going to die if you don't do this along with innocent people, Ned. Innocent people" I scream in frustration


"You have to do this, I'm right here, Ned there's no other way, tell MJ I love her"


"I can't. We need you. She needs you"


"Please man, be a hero and do it"

Time seems to slow to a halt as I watch Ned screw his eyes up and prepare to take the shot, he is sobbing uncontrollably but then again so am. He looks in more pain as he goes to take the shot and I just smile because at least I saved my friends lives if nothing else. I couldn't do it with uncle ben but I'm glad my final sacrifice is for them. For MJ.


A/N: You'll have to wait to find out what happens MUHAHAHA

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