The plot thickens

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A/N: Yes I acc called a chapter that. Just a quick apology for how bad my writing style is getting. I feel really guilty because I'm not really proofing much or anything so sorry. Don't forget to vote. Comments mean the world to me oh and we've nearly reached the big climax so stay with me here cause its gonna be freaking awesome

Peter POV

Nothing had happened in a week. My body was aching, desperately for more than water while my mind ached for everyone I missed as their pictures were already fading in my mind's eye. Had they forgotten about me? Did they think I was dead? Who knew..

I had begun to have sleep paralysis much like I did when I was a child and as my mind seemed to drift to sleep in this state once more, I was shaken awake by the sound of footsteps: this time he was carrying more than water.

"Hey Parker, I have mail for you," he tells me in a tone way too sweet to be true. "Someone called MJ"

My mind raced, how did she know I was here? What was she doing sending me letters? Did she know how dangerous it was? Was she ok?

"Lets read some together" he speaks, cocking his head psychopathically. 

"'I wanna hug you more than you know' she says aw how cute. 'I can't fight the dark thoughts much longer.' she says. How'du feel about that Sonny. You may just drive your own gal to suicide bet your wishin' you were never Spidey now aren't you?" 

I sat in stunned silence that this man was actually reading her words "'Tony's drinking again... heavily' oh dear" he continues "Oh and she says May knows now"

"Stop it!" I yell with all the strength I had "Give it to me"

"Oh sonny this is the problem, your constantly fucking up peoples lives aren't you" he taunts before dropping the paper into a newly lit fire. It burned along with his phone which he said was said to have had 98 miss calls and messages. They were all gone.

"Today Parker, it all begins. Slow and steady and first but when it kicks off, it's going to be magical and it all starts with you. Can you just imagine Captain America going insane while I rip him to shreds?  This is the beginning, the beginning of greatness"

I shiver in fear as tears threaten my eyes he laughs menacingly. I watch as he grabs a knife from the table and pulls up a stool. He begins to question me on everything from my personal life to how I gave MJ powers to the password for Tony's computers. With every unanswered question came punishment. 

It started with small punches and black eyes but soon he started using a knife. I holler in pain as I watch the blood spill from my body on to the floor. Millimetre by millimetre it stained the silver blade as my stomach did summersaults to the tune of his pressing questions. On and on they droned

"I don't know anything, sir please" I cry yet he holds the blade like a paintbrush as he first slits my nose, then my eyebrow, lastly my face. It was sheer pain coursing through my veins, however, I was strong and he would be getting the information over my dead body. That's when I pass out, it was a sweet blessing. 

I hear him leave in anger but not much more after that as I fell into a deep and hazy sleep where I had dreams of May finding out I was Spiderman. How did she react? It stressed me out just thinking of her. 

Michelle POV

It had been a day since I had sent the letter, Ned didn't know but we were now sat in his basement trying to figure out a plan to retrieve Peter from the arms of a psychopath. We had no idea what we were doing but we knew three things. 

- We couldn't tell Tony because he was a part of some bigger plan for this dude

- This guy didn't keep computers, he obviously had other methods of doing stuff. 

- It had been nearly 9 days since he had gone and it was only a matter of time so we needed to act quick

And secretly knew that this guy wanted me dead just as much as him, I was clueless as to how but this guy knew about my abilities that may just one up Peters seeming that I can shoot webs straight from my fingers, no web-slinger needed.

"Ned, listen to me - I can't go with you!" I shout

"Why, MJ? Are you just gonna send me to retrieve your boyfriend and get myself killed." he spits

"You know that's not true" I retort, fiddling with his locket on my neck.

"Then why?! Tell me please, I'd love to be enlightened by the girl who thinks shes got it all figured out" he retaliates

"Uh, well" I surrender shyly "I was just thinking if one of us was to get  into trouble we would still have another person on the outside" 

"Oh yeah, sorry if that got a little heated there" he apologies embarrassed "I guess it just gets a bit like that when were, were..."

"Grieving" I suggest a bit of light entering my tone "Why are we grieving?"

"If anyone's gonna get him back it's gonna be us. Let's face it were gonna get him back" he replies

"Yeah, we are," I mussed with a small smile playing on my lips at the thought of getting him back.

We decide to reconvene in a couple of days when we will execute our plan. We didn't really have any clue what the plan was going to be, we just had eyes on our goal.

A Beautiful Thing (Spideychelle) UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now