Hard times in hospital rooms

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A/N: Please just ignore that they were in Paris and Stark towers is like halfway across the world.

Peter POV
I pace the halls of Stark towers relentlessly. Hoping that everything would be ok was so hard when there was why could go completely worse. I phoned Ned and explained the whole thing to him. But I was barely speaking in full sentences, babbling, worrying, gushing, shaking.

She hadn't been in there long yet I wouldn't stop walking the shiny halls of this place until I knew that she was ok. I could tell Mr Stark was trying his hardest but there will always be that nagging feeling of me not being enough lingering in my mind. What if I wasn't quick enough to save her?

Pepper POV

I could see Peter, he looked very much in distress. It pained me to see, he was obviously hurting a lot. Wait what if that had been his Girlfriend? I heard Tony say they were really good friends. I feel sympathy for the kid, the number of times I have sat teary-eyed over Tony after a fight. That toying feeling in your chest when you know someone is in the grey area between life and death.

I go up to him, he only flashes be a quick glance; I notice his eyes are red and puffy.

"Do you want hot cocoa?" I ask "It might calm you a little,"

"Honestly, I don't think anything will, but I wouldn't say no" he replies, melancholy seeping through every word. He was not the same bubbly peter I knew. I loved him like a son and it felt like a knife to the heart to see him like this.

Having got the cocoa, I sit beckoning him to do the same. He thanks me clenching my hand tightly

"She meant a lot to you, huh?" I say in the most motherly way possible to break the silence

"Yeah" he answers in sorrow "like she was one of the two friends I have... I mean it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been planning to ask her out" he starts to tear up again

"Ah peter" I whisper, almost sharing his pain

"I messed up Pepper, I messed up big time" he exclaims trying to hold back tears.

"No, no you didn't," I tell him before pulling him into a hug. We don't pull away for what feels like minutes, its like he feels safe. I don't blame him. That would be enough to give any adult PTSD let alone a kid.

We talk for a while, I try to give the conversation a more cherry feel yet he does not show much more than a tiny smirk throughout. He explains what happened all the while the tears don't seem to stop rolling. After about half an hour he has finished his cocoa but left the biscuits that he is usually asking for more of and Tony comes out of the medical room looking very tired (not that was anything new) and dishevelled. Peter rises at once as expected.

"How is she? Can I see her? is she awake? Is she alive? Oh please say she's alive" he rambles incoherently

"It's been an hour kid, I can't say yet. Maybe it's better if you go to bed" he replies grumbling

"No, please Mr Stark, can I I mean can you-"

"No! No, Mr Stark, I don't know ok. It's late please go to bed, your quarters are near visions" He dismisses way too harshly.

"Please, just some more information"

"No, wait does she know who you are?"

Peter POV

"Yes," I say, hanging my head in shame for I know he wouldn't like the answer "but it was the only way - trust me she wouldn't tell a soul"

"No, no, no, that's not the point Peter. What do you think May would say? If she found out. huh?" he shouts while having a valid point. "I made a promise to her that you would be safe. This is the only way. You can be an idiot sometimes you know, I said no one must know. I meant no one!" he is cut off from hurling more abuse at me as Pepper steps

"Tony, seriously he's 15. He's had a hard day, it was to save her for crying out loud. Have a bit of respect. He just cares for her - that's all"

"He has responsibilities Pepper" Mr Stark retorts.

"I'll go to bed" I surrender quietly in amongst the fight. And I do, after that, I don't hear them fighting much longer.

I loved Mr Stark, I really do. He is like the dad I never had but he has tendencies to snap at people for no good reason. I didn't like it but I don't think about him for much longer. As I'm laid in my bed I struggle to relax or get comfy under this large weight of stress and worry for her. Her smile flashes up in my mind constantly along with her shining kaleidoscopic eyes and thick curly hair that flowed down her back like a chocolatey river

It is about 1 am when I doze off and when I wake up it is 2:13, I decide to sneak out of my quarters and back down to the medical room. I scale the walls silently, retracing every step from the ivy painted walls. I reach where she is being held at the moment. Mr Stark is in there pouring over screens and heart monitors. I can't see into the room very well only from a minuscule gap in the curtains. She could be dead or alive and I would not know because she is just laid on a bed, her eyes completely closed

"Stay with me, ok?" I whisper, trying not to be seen or heard

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