The train

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Peter POV

"No, we won't let her" Mr Stark demands, grabbing onto the man's shirt

"She wants to go with us" this guy retaliates "Come on baby"

She grimaced at that word as Pepper just stood there in shock. She knew she couldn't save us like back in the forest and the gun must have been a major trigger. That may have been her mother but she was pointing a gun at the most motherly figure she had ever had. I didn't know what to do. No one in this station knew what to do. Some stayed fixed to the scene while others backed away cautiously.

How could she do this? They, they were just taking her? Denver walked up to her, pulling her into a hug. There was no love. He had his large arms wrapped around her body yet she still stood there, rigid and cold as she stared helplessly at Tony.

Then she dragged her on the train by her arm. She wasn't fighting back, for the first time Michelle Jones wasn't fighting back. There was a single tear rolling down her face, refracting the little light there was. No one said a word. No one dared to move. Why wasn't anyone doing anything

"MJ" I try to yell, yet my voice cracks in fear so it comes out more a hoarse whisper.

That's when I hear the engine start to roar. There was a moment of harsh silence and then just like that everyone seemed to realise the velocity of the situation. A woman with a gun was getting on a train with a girl who had shown no signs of wanting to go with them.

"Stop the train!" Mr Stark bellows as the doors start to close. He wedges his hand in between them to stop them closing as a sigh of relief floods the watching station.

"You can't take her!" Ned yells running to the edge of the platform.

"Someone call the police, they can sort it!" A woman shrieks from within the crowd.

Michelle POV

I watched in fear as the whole station watched me. My mother was shuffling me further down the train as my eyes fixed on the gun stowed in her bag, every time I blinked a tear formed in my eye as well a memory from the forest. As I was being moved forcefully I see all the doors have reopened.

"What's happened" I mutter full of tears. The sound echoed up the cabin with other people asking exactly the same as me.

"There's a man" Someone shouts from further down "He's standing between the train and platform!"

"Fucking hell" my mum curses under her breath in anger

Peter POV

Everything was moving to fast. Mr Stark was currently stood with one foot on the train and the other on the platform. This wasn't happening, he was actually holding the door open. No iron man suit needed, no one even knew he was Tony Stark as he was dressed in a grey hoodie and joggers.

The driver got off and started to confront him,

"Sir, you need to move so the train can run" he says sternly

"This girl has endured illegal adoption processes and doesn't deserve to live with these people who have abused her!" Tony tells the whole congregation who just look in shock "They put a gun to my partners head! I'm not getting off!"

"Everyone, please leave. Your trains will resume as normal after the police arrive. Unfortunately, we don't know how long that will be" A member of staff announces

"I'm not leaving until I see that girl off that train!" A guy from the crowd hollers

"Me neither" Someone else shouts in reply. I run to the guy in the high vis

"Please get her off. She shouldn't be going with these people. They abuse her" I cry

"I'm not moving," Tony tells the man firmly.

And then something amazing happens. A random man pushes his way through the crowd with his toddler son and stands behind Mr Stark and I hear Pepper squeal with joy. Then one by one more people begins to block the train. By the five minute mark, nearly everyone else is stood between the train and platform within only a few filming on the outside.

"What you gonna do now then!" Ned screams as he sees Eve. Pepper smiles sarcastically.

"Yeah, we're staying here!" I roared.

Michelle POV

Everyone was standing - for me. I couldn't believe it. Nearly everyone was off the train and holding the doors open, I was god smacked. It must have been 40 minutes they all stood there. Yet no one complains, even when my parents try to get off and defend their cause they fail and get enveloped in people caterwauling to let me off.

Then the police came and everyone cheers and whoops in joy. We had won. The officers even looked in shock at how large the situation had gotten.

They ordered everyone to get off and so they did, everyone got off the train and spilt into the platform but my parents stayed rigid in there stance until 3 officers came to find us. Both Eve and Denver clutched my wrist tightly

"Ma'am, Sir" an officer spoke gruffly "Please let go of the child"

"She's our child" My mother shrieks "I'm her mum"

"You abandoned me and then you come back and whip me away after all this time and try to shoot the people who care for me. You lie and you cheat. You don't have a right to call yourself my mum!" I yell angrily

"Let go of the child" the officer repeats fiercely before they are forced to use violence as they fight to free me. They scream and flail to escape but they easily win, I was free. Free from their grips. Free from their anger. I just ran.

I heard them screaming all sorts of things but I didn't care as I dashed out onto the platform. Everyone was out there waiting for me and there a straight path down to Pepper and Tony and I didn't hesitate to dive straight into their warm arms.

Tony wasn't expecting it, however, he smiled and ruffled my curls while Pepper held me protectively.

"Yeah, I wasn't about to let you go with them kiddo," Tony tells me

As I look back, I see two police officers clutching my struggling parents by the wrists.

"She's SpiderGirl!" My mother yells once again at the crowd

"Touch her again and you're dead," Pepper replies forcefully, looking her right in the eye.

"She's right so piss off why don't you?" A random man yells in our defence

The whole congregation seems to agree as they leave in a police car. This is followed by an array of whoops and cheers as we see them leave. We knew were were going to have too at some point but I didn

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