Last day blues

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Peter POV

I hadn't been sleeping much since Michelle left however after the last episode all I wanted to do was sleep - to escape the pain. I didn't wanna think about whether there was truth in her words, or did they come from a place of anger, confusion maybe? Whatever it was I wanted her to be safe, maybe she would come around eventually.

I fell asleep with these thoughts, only to be woken by a single warm touch. As my eyes fluttered, tiredly I saw it was MJ. Her eyes were red and puffy, her face glistening with tears.

"I'm sorry" she starts, "Ned told me everything, I fixed up your casts with my webs and I'm trying to fix your phone but honestly I don't have the faintest idea how Tony does all this so I'll buy you a new phone. I'm sorry Peter, you can be angry at me I don't-"

"Stop," I said, interrupting her rambling "it's fine, I forgive you"

"No, no don't forgive me," she tells me "I don't deserve it, I was a complete and utter bitch who couldn't see past the tip of her own nose"

"But you're here. You're alive, you're with me. Honestly, I don't care about much more" I reply truthfully.

"Why do you have to be such a selfless, adorable loser?" she sighs "You're perfect"

That filled me with joy as I am instantly transported back to a time where she was all I ever wanted, all I'd ever dream, day and night.

"So.," I ask after a long pause and short smile "what's happening with your parents?"

I watch the twinkle disappear from her bright eyes as tears begin to instantly well.

"It's official" she whispers, not looking me in the eye

"What? You're not" I stutter in shock

"I'm sorry" is all she can muster as her breathing starts to shudder. We lock eyes for a second before her lip begins to quiver and she drops my cracked phone screen on the table a starts off through the tower, brown curls covering her face.

Pepper POV

After about 90 minutes, I had finished my call. It was exhausting but all I wanted to do was talk to Michelle about her parents and whether she had actually had a good time.

As I let down yet another high ponytail so that my hair cascaded down my shoulders and gently adorned my face. The spare room she had been staying in was on the ground floor down a narrow passage. At the end of that passage, I found Ned, I asked him what was going on and he explained the situation to me. My heart fell.

"She won't come out. Won't let us in either" he tells me defeatedly.

I knock with two fingers, no answer.

"Sweetie, can I come in?" I ask to no reply again, so I slowly open the door, there she is. She is on the floor head in hands, violently sobbing and shaking from side to side as she curled her knees in tightly.

The sight hit me; one part of me had never wanted her to have a good time, cause then she could stay with us. But this, well... you'd have to be crazy to ever want this. I just stand there in stunned silence, my eyes dart back and forth, unsure how to react until I see a razor blade discarded on the floor beside her.

I run up to her, a horrified look on my face. I sit on the floor beside her, moving the blade out of her eyeline as it dripped with crimson blood. She had always been so self-conscious when she cried but now she just gave way to the enormity of her grief.

She sobbed into her hands and the tears dripped between her fingers, raining down onto the carpeted floor. Her breathing was ragged, uneasy as she gasped uncontrollably for breath between salty floods. Michelle's tears were the sound of a heartbreaking as she fought her emotions to just look up at me. There was certain rawness to it as if a wound had just been opened.

As she looks up to meet my gaze, I put my arm around her comfortingly. I had no clue how I was supposed to do this. I wasn't a mother, so I just sat there hugging her tightly until she finally moved her cracked lips to form breathless whispers as she cried

"I messed up, I messed up, I messed up, I messed up" she repeats as if it is some kind of mantra.

"We can fix this," I tell her doing my best to soothe her

"No, we can't I failed. I messed up my entire life" she sobs into my arms " I signed the documents I'm fucking dumb"

"Hey, shh, Just breathe," I tell her, rubbing my hand up and down her back

We sit there for a while as she continued to weep until she told me everything, well not everything. She kept saying she had caused enough trouble and came to the conclusion that she should go anyway, brave it out until it got better. 

I kept wanting to suggest the idea that we could adopt her. She could be ours, live here with Peter but I swallowed it all - it was stupid, I had to do what was best for her. That's all it was, I was selfish. 

It got late and we decided it would be best to start packing

"So what do you wanna do with the suit?" I ask finding it buried under a pile of cushions

"I'm leaving it here," she says bluntly 

"Wait, what" I exclaim taken aback "you love this thing"

"I don't wanna get into why right now" she replies putting me on edge. 

Later, we continue packing and Tony joins us. We communicate the situation with just one fleeting glance. Nothing needs to be said but he slowly lifts the melancholic air that hung over us with his bad jokes and sarcastic remarks. In the morning we would drive her to the train station and the thought alone made me feel sick

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