chapter 5

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What was that said Lucy at Lena? It's an AI mask that she wearing. It will give her information on Rogue aliens she will come across or to communicate with them for information in their language also it has information on the weapons she has in her suit. Why didn't the Kryptonite hurt her said, Alex? Like I told you her suit can protect her from any forms that kryptonite there is. Kara how was hearing these smiles. What are you smile about said, Hank? Master may I make a suggestion said the AI that only Supergirl heard this time. Sure go ahead said Supergirl. I suggest you use your shield and the hammer to defeat your enemy said the A.I. Yes, that will be great how do I get them said Supergirl. All of a sudden a shield appeared in her left arm and her right arm appeared a giant hammer.

In the instant Hank through a laser beam at Supergirl but Supergirl us her Shield to perfect herself and use her superspeed to hit him with the hammer that throws him outside breaking Lena's windows. He only stopped when he hit Lena's force field she had around L Corp. When Hank hits the force field he fills the concrete hard enough to crack it. Supergirl was already waiting for him to get up. You think you can be defeated me I  am Cy-borg Superman yell, Hank in anger. Sam and Lena were laughing Cyborg Superman that's the stupidest name I have ever heard said, Sam with a smile. You are so right said Lena hanging onto Sam for support for laughing too much.

You are laughing at me, Luther yells cyborg in anger. All I think we hurt the wannabe Superman feelings Lee said Sam with a smirk. Yeah, I think we did say Lena with a chuckle. Hank got angrier with that he throws a laser beam at them but was stopped by Lena herself. I guess I  am not that little kid you torture Hank said Lena with a smirk. He did what yell Supergirl looking at Hank with pure anger. With her anger, Supergirl uses her super speed and hits him with her hammer that sent him to the other side of the force field. Man, I wanted to hit him once said Lena with a Huf and Crossing her arms in her chest. Sorry kiddo, I think Supergirl is too angry to let you have a shot at him said, Sam. Well, at least she doesn't know that the first time he ever hurt me was when I was 10 when he and Lillian kidnap me, and my mom said, Lena. What yells Alex, Lucy, and J'onn in shock.

Alex and Lucy look angrier than J'onn. Lena did not see these for she was too busy looking at the fight that when it hit her on how to stop Hank for good. I know how to stop Hank for good said Lena to Sam with a smile. You do what is said, everyone in shock. The Thermosphere we can stop him for good there said, Lena. What yells everyone in shock. She has to flay up to Thermosphere said, Lena. Supergirl can survive that high said Alex. Yes, she can the suit will help her survive in any kind of environment I made sure of that. Anyways she won't be going alone Ivan and Faith will be going with her said Lena running back to L Corp.

What Faith and Ivan yell running after Lena with the others following them. They all catch up where Lena was giving Faith and Ivan their devices. How do we turn it on said Faith? There is a button on the side said, Lena. Wow, are you two going to do this said Lucy. Yeah, we are said Faith and Ivan at the same time. What are two out of your mines it's dangerous to do that yell, Alex in anger? We trust Lena if she says we will be ok then we will be said Faith and Ivan pushing the button on the side of their device and just like Supergirl there was a bright light there standing before them were Faith and Ivan with a there new suit like Supergirl but the different color they were both midnight blue with sky blue crest. The other difference where suits were their crest Faith was a red Phoenix and Ivan was the Chinese symbol for hope. Do you two know what to do said, Lena. Yes, come from the tow and flow throw the broken window down to Supergirl.

Eve I need the forcefield down in 2 minutes said, Lena. I am on it Lee I heard everything. There in the window, Lena and the others saw that Supergirl, Faith, and Ivan flow up to the Thermosphere when the happened Lena made ran to her lab.
Sam and the others did the same. Where are we going said Alex running alongside Sam? Sweetheart we are going to Lena's lab again to go see if they're ok. When they all got there Lena was in her computer taping fast. What do we have Lee said, Jane? Nothing yet no hold on I have got it. They can hear Faith and Ivan talk to each other. Why can't we hear Supergirl said Alex with a concerned voice? Because her Communicator is in a different frequency, said Lena. Here let me talk to Faith so she can till Supergirl to change her frequency to the others said, Sam.

She can't do that in the middle of a fight is dangerous said, Lucy with a worried look. No, it isn't her AI will do it for her said Sam taping alongside Lena. I already open communication with faith said, Lena.
Sam got her earphone on Faith till Supergirl change frequencies so her friends can talk to her. Hi, Alex, this guy is so complete popsicle said Supergirl on the screen that Lena was able to put on you can see Hank completely Frozen. Yes, yell Lena and Sam Hi-5 to each other. Alex and the others all cheered. Hi Lee can we fly to the moon and back said, Ivan? Yes, you can for you enough to go to Pluto and back if you wanted to but only if you use your rocket boots said Lena like it was not a big deal.

We have rocket boots said Supergirl all excited. We will bring Hank in 1 hour all 3 said at the same time. What yells Lena to the earphone come on you 3 bring Hank in now yell Lena. Damn it they're not listening to me yell Lena in anger. Sam all but laugh at the situation. Mane I can't believe Supergirl will listen to those two knuckleheads said, Lena. I think it was her idea said Alex with a smile looking on the screen and seeing her sister race to Pluto. Do you mind if we stay and wait for Supergirl here said J'onn? No, I don't mind at all said, Lena with a smile. 1 hour later the 3 landed on Lena's office with a smile on their face and with a frozen Hank with smiles. Did you 3 had fun in outer space say Lena glaring at all 3 of them? Yes, it was so much fun all 3 said at the same time smiling. You 3 hand over your devices said, Lena, glaring at them. You cant do that Lee said, Ivan and Faith with sad looks. Supergirl looks sad and said does this mean I can never use the suit again it looks like she was about to cry. Lena just smiles at her and said it's yours I am only putting more fuel on the rocket boots I already showed agent Danvers everything about your suit. Lena put the devices in her pocket and was taking off her protective vest in front of the broken window when everyone heard a popping noise then Everyone turns to Lena.

That when they all saw Lena holding her stomach and blood coming out.

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