chapter 32

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Alex and the rest were now entering the training room looking around with curiosity. When  Kal-El enter her  said so what is so special about this room with a bad attitude that made everyone glare at him. Did all of you put the device we gave you said Faith? They all nodded except for Superman that only smirk as he cross his arms. Sam and her people smirk when they saw these. Zee steps forward and pushes a button from her rest that's when the gravity on the room became so heavy that Superman fell on his knees. What is this said Superman breathing hard? That Kal-El is that except the same gravity that I and my sister grow up with said, Sam with a smirk as she saw Superman eyes widen in fear.

How did you get used to it said Kal-El? Easy said Sam getting a device and putting it on Kal-El. As she did that Kal-El got up and took a deep breath. We use the device that we give all of you and turn them down each day till we never need them said, Sam. So each day when we will be in this room we will lower your devices in till all of you are used to walk in this room. So for now on when we train we will use turn down your device for 5 minutes and run in till all of you can take it said, Sam.

Do we have to say, Alex? Yes, we do so let's start said Faith. All of these devices started to beep Alex and her people fell to the floor and struggle to get up. How in the world did you all got used to it said Lucy trying to breathe? It will be hard at first love but you all will get used to it said Ivan helping Lucy up.

Good now let us run said, Sam. Kal-El was the first to give up. Diana and the rest were the only ones to last for 3 minutes. That's, it  for now, said Sam when she saw Alex fell to the floor. All of you will need more stamina said Sam helping Alex up. Get some rest said Sam to the other's as she picks up Alex in her arms. How could you have  stand that as a kid said Alex kissing Sam's neck? It was hard at first but in the end  it was worth it said Sam helping Alex out of her clothes.

2 weeks later Alex and her team advancing to the point where they can stand to lower the gravity for half an hour. Well, look at that all of you are coming out great said Lena coming in by herself. Alex that was drinking some water when Lena came in spills out her water and said out loud where have you been. Lena laughs and hugs Alex I miss you too Al and as I told you before I took Kara to the rainforest Astra and I have been teaching her how to control her power and also different forms of fighting styles said Lena with a smile.

I just came to see how all of you are coming along. They are coming along well Lee said Zee walking to Lena. That good do any of you mine if a stay and watch said, Lena. No go ahead said Lucy to Lena.

Lena stays for half an hour where she moves and talks to Faith and the others. So what do you think Lee said, Zee. I think they are progressing faster than I thought said, Lena. What is in your mind then Lee said Faith. I think that Diana, Alex, and Lucy will also benefit from going to the rainforest with Kara but in another week said Lena looking at Diana sparring with Lucy.

You don't think it will be too much for them said Sam with a concerned look at her lover. That way I want you to prepare them said, Lena with a serious voice. What about the man said, Zee with a curious look.  you and Oz will train them in another different Forest I will give you the location when is time for them to go along with there training schedule said Lena walking out. So you want to tell  they said Zee to Sam. I will tell them said Faith. Listen up yell Faith to the group. Everyone stop what they were doing and give their attention to Faith. Ok, Lena is happy with what she saw so she told us that next week she wants Diana, Lucy and Alex to go train with her and Kara. That great isn't it said Lucy looking at her lover.

Well, why don't we show you all that Kara has been doing said Faith as she said that Sam opens a scene where they all saw Kara dodging paintballs that Astra was hitting her with. Kara, you have to concentrate yell, Astra. I am trying to yell at Kara in frustration. Then try harder yell Astra. Stop they all heard Lena yell. That where Sam turns off the monitor.

As all of you saw Kara is having a lot tougher time than all of you said Faith. All that Faith hear was groins from the others. What about us said Bat. You, Kal-El, and John will go to a different Forest with me and other Lantern when Lena gives me the go-ahead said, Zee.

With Kara

As Lena yell, Astra and Kara stop there yelling. Both of you need to come down Kara go cool off said, Lena. As Kara walks away Lena begins to talk Mam I know you want her to survive beating her into it would not help her. Astra groin and walk to the directions where Kara walks off to. All Lena did was smile. You are one of a kind said, Sarah. Mom I am not said Lena blushing. You are my sweet girl said, Sarah. How have you been Lena said, Sarah? I am ok mom just missing
Aaliyah said, Lena with a sad look. Just as by summing her Aaliyah's laughter caught their attention.

Mama yells at Aaliyah as she saw Lena. Lena ran to her daughter and pick her up from Oz's arms. What is going on said Lena kissing her baby girl. Nothing just your daughter kept calling for you and Kara so hear we are said Oz with a smile at seen how Lena is with her daughter.

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