chapter 34

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As Lena sobs out as Lena recognizes the bracelet. Is it truly hers to cry out Lena. Yes, I call her people and told them that you need help so they sent the bracelet with this. Lena put the round object in her pocket as Sarah give her a sling bag. What these said Lena to her mom when she got her emotions in check. That some stuff that you will need when you have to leave said Sarah with a sad smile.

Let's go said Lena transforming into the Queen Lantern. As everyone teleport to National City, they were all shock by the destruction that was going on in the city. Lena look around and got angry at the destruction that was happening in National City. When she saw that Evenly was about to destroy part of cat corp. All of you know what to do said Lena as she wants flying straight to Reign and hit her that sent her flying to a parked.  You will pay for these yells Lena in anger. Evenly saw that Lena had the upper hand so she was about to attack her but Kara and Faith saw these so they attack her by throwing her away from the fight. You will not stop me yell Evenly to them. oh, that where you are wrong yell Sam as she got in the fight too. All three were taking turns fighting Evenly when Sarah came out of nowhere and shot her where a Kryptonite gun.

What have you done to me yell Evenly as she was having trouble breathing? We use Kryptonite said Sarah with a smirk. You are lucky that we are not murderers said Alex coming up to them with a shot. Yeah, and why that said Evenly. Because we could have let you die said Alex putting cuffs and a bracelet on her wrist just as she has done that when she gives her the shot.

Why save my life said Evenly as soon as she was breathing normally. Sarah just looks at her eyes and said we are not murders like you. Kara turn around to see what Lena was doing in the fight what she saw made her yell noo. 

Back to Lena first started fighting

As Lena hit Regional that went throw the parked car Reginal recover quickly by punching Lena in the stomach. Lena didn't let it affect her she uses her wind power to blow Regional away from her. You think you can beat me human yell Reginal in anger. I will defeat you said Lena spitting out blood. Dam she is stronger my forcefield fell Lena thought. Lena and Reginal were fighting but no one could see how was winning.

We have to stop these said Faith but was held back by Oz. We can't interfere Faith this is Lena's fight said Oz.  Athena protects her said, Diana. As they heard Diana they both look at the fight. As they look what they saw frightened them both.

The regional was up in the sky and had Lena in her grabs by choking her with her bare hands. Regional let Lena go as Lena pass out and was laughing as she saw Lena falling. Noo Kara's yell was what they all heard. Just as Lena was losing consciousness she heard Kara's voice that woke her up and yells This fight is not over Reginal and flew up to Reginal and hit her that sent her hitting the street hard. As Lena landed the sky started to turn dark and lightning started to hit the Street that was close to Reginal. How is this possible said Alex? It's Lena said Sam looking at her sister. How do you know said Lucy with curiosity? We can feel her powers Lucy said, Ivan.

The fight is almost over said Sarah with tears. How do you know said, Jane? Lena told me said, Sarah. No these can't be yell out Reginal as she was hit by a flash of lightning in the chest. Give up Reginal you will not win said Lena as she walks up to Reginal. Never yell Reginal as she Ran up to Lena and started to hit Lena that sent her to throw a building.

I will destroy your world along with your family said Reginal with anger. All hell no did she say that said Sam in a concerned voice. Faith, Ivan, and Jane could only nod. We need to get out of here now yell Sam running the opposite way from the fight. Sarah, Astra along with Alura following them. What just happened said Kara looking at her family that was running away. They all turn when they heard an explosion. That when they all saw Lena that was near a building was cover in the fire but was not burning her. Ok, we got to run now said Alex following the other as they cashed up to them they all heard Sam said to Eve to teleport them all to the ship.

All of them turn their heads up when they heard an explosion what they all saw was Lena punch Reginal so hard that it sounds like an explosion as she was thrown far away from the city that was the last thing they all saw as they were to teleport. What the hell just happened down there said, Alex in fear. What happened is that idiot anger my daughter said Sarah walking to the Bridge. I saw Lena mad her never acting like that said Lucy in confusion. Oh, my love that was never Lena mad that was Lena just annoyed that is Lena mad said Ivan pointed to the monitors.

There they saw Lena hit Reginal with a lightning bolt and punch her in the stomach.

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