chapter 9

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No, you won't Kal-El said Louis walking into the room. What do you mean I am not yell Kal-El in anger. Kara told you to never set foot in her city if she finds out you are there in it she will never want you in her life said, Louis.  I don't care if she gets mad at me but that woman is evil I want to let her hurt my family yell Kal-El in anger. You mean this one said Louis throwing a Cat Corp magazine in the table in front of Kal-El. There on the table was Lena Luther's front page cover that read My story. With that Louis set in front of Kal-El. With her extra magazine, she began reading the story.

When she was done reading the story she put the paper down and said does that sound like an evil woman to any of you. No said, Daina and Batman. She could be laying yet Kal-El. Do these look like aliens that were forced to Hangout with her say Louis sliding the paper to Kal-El? The 3 of them look at pictures in the paper with wonder there was Lena with Faith and Ivan after they all finch helping Supergirl. I trust Cat Kal-El she would not have writing any of it if she thought she was laying and if you go to National City you will lose any chance for Kara to ever be in your life said, Louis. With that, she left.

Diane was looking in at the magazine with awe and said I am going to National City I want to meet these women. We will when we have the chance said, Batman. What do you mean said, Diana? It means you and I are going to National City. What about me said Kal-El. You are staying here and think what family truly is to you said Batman living in the room. He is right you know said Diana taking the magazine with her living Superman to his thoughts.

Back at National City

Lena and Eliza are meeting with Regina Emma and Maura. So we need more nurses and doctors that can help said, Emma. I know we need more help these place is getting more alien who needs help said Lena with frustration. Then what the problem why have you not hire more people said Regina with a frown. Because I don't trust just anyone to work here. This place is one of my dream Regina I can't just hire anybody if I hire the wrong person it could be dangerous said, Lena. So you want some people that you can trust that won't hurt anyone here or the patients said, Eliza with a smile.

Yes exactly said Lena putting her head on the table. She did not see the others loving smiles throwing at her. Lena, you need to stop overtaking and just hire more people said, Emma. But Lena said but was stop by Maura, no but we trust you to make the right decision. Find I have people who I think will make a good addition to the hospital but I want to do it in person the problem they don't live in National City so I will live on Friday and come back in 4 weeks said Lena with a pout.

All of them in the room smirk. Good look tilling my daughter said, Eliza with a smirk. All Lena did was blush and yell at Eliza. The others all laugh at Lena's reaction. Lena looks at Eliza. Oh no, don't get me that look I am not tilling Kara for you, young lady said Eliza with a smile. All Lena did was pout at her. All of you are so mean but find I will tell her when she gets here said Lena with a pout. Just then Kara and Alex walk into the room.

Hi, Lena Kara said given her a hug not letting her stand all the way. Hi, Kara said Lena hugging her too. So Alex is going to join us to eat is that ok said, Kara. Yes, that ok said Lena with a smile. Alex can't go with you I need her help said, Eliza. But mom I am hungry said, Alex with a whining voice.  No, you are staying to help me said Eliza said with a mom's voice. When Kara and Lena lift Alex turns to her mom and said what the deal mom why didn't you want me to go with them? Well, Lena has to tell Kara that she is leaving for 1 month I didn't think you wanted to see it said, Eliza.  All Alex did was hug her mom then look at her mom with an exhausted look and said you do know that when Lena leaves we are all stuck with a moody Kara. I know said Eliza walking out with her daughter.

With Kara and Lena were finishing eating that is when Lena told her that she leaving Kara was sad and practically in tears. Please don't cry Kar it's only 1 month said Lena hugging Kara. I am going to miss you Lee said Kara hugging Lena not wanted to let her go. How will go with you said Kara?. I am thinking of asking Ivan to go with me and I know that Sam will go in 2 weeks she will not be able to stay away from that long said Lena with a smile.

When Kara came back to work Cat saw that she is sad so she calls her to her office. What is going on Keri you look like someone kicked your puppy. Lena has to go to LA for a month said Kara practically in tears. So you are sad because she will be living you here said Cat with a smirk. I stutter Kara but Cat interrupts her. Karry, I have seen you with her. When she was hurt you never lift her or when she was recovering and even when you just meet her. Now I don't think there is a day where you are not with her. I can't till her Cat she would hate me said, Kara. Cat with that started to laugh Karry  I just know Lena these couple of months I don't think that girl is capable of hating anyone said Cat with a smile. 

YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE Luther.Come a yell from outside of Cat's office.

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