chapter 11

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Friday came too soon for Kara and Lena they have spent the last 3 days together only leaving each other if they have to. Kara had even begun doing her work at L corp so she would not be away from Lena. The others saw these and wonder why they have not made a move to be together.

Sam was helping finish packing when she turns to her sister and said why have you not kiss Kara Lena.  Lena just turns to her sister and sighs I can't start anything with her without telling her who I am Sam said Lena with tears.

Just then Alex, Eliza, Lucy, and Kara walk into Lena's apartment all of them walk to Lena's room when they heard Lena talking. By God's Sam, I  am hopelessly in love with Kara that it's scarce me. Tell her Lee said, Sam. How can I tell her when she doesn't trust me and tell me that she is Supergirl yells Lena in frustration. Then she kept going and said

How can I tell her to trust me when I have not told her everything about me.

How can I tell her that I know who she is the moment that we met?

That she doesn't have to worry to tell me about her life her culture because I already know. I  can't tell her any of these because they made me promise not to tell her sob, Lena.

It hurts Sam that I can't tell the woman that I love who I am and I will not go into a relationship with her if I can't tell her everything about me to sob out Lena.

Who made you promise said Kara walking into the room angrily. Lena and Sam jump when they heard her. How much did you hear said Lena nervously? I heard enough said, Kara. Alex, Eliza, and Lucy came into the room they all saw that Kara was walking tours, Lena. If you are not going to tell me then tell me how do you know my culture and beliefs? Lena just kept quiet and tithing her hands in till they were turning White. Lena didn't look at Kara she just walks out of the room but Kara uses her superspeed to stop her.

Please, Lee, talk to me said Kara in a sad voice. Sist tell her they will understand said Sam with a sad look. If you don't want to break the promise that we made then I will because I don't like what is doing to you said, Sam.

Lena looks at her sister and said you are right Sam then  Lena looks at Kara and said I will tell you everything you want to know Kara Zor-El but not here with that Lena push buttons on her wristwatch then all of them vanish and appeared in a spaceship close to one of Saturn's moons.

What the hell said Alex looking around. Welcome to Misneach said Lena standing in front of them with Sam by her side. What does that misteach mean said Lucy looking around in awe? It's Irish it means bottle, heart, hope, morale, pluck, strength said Sam.  What are we doing here said, Eliza? We are here to tell you everything said, Lena. What we are in outer space yell Alex looking at Saturn in shock. Sam and Lena only giggle at Alex and the rest's reaction when they saw  Saturn. Alex and the rest look in shock at Sam and Lena. Lena and Sam just smirk at them.

Yes, we are in outer space we brought you here to tell you everything that you need to know said, Lena. Come on let go to the meeting room said, Sam. When they were about to leave the teleport room there was another teleportation that came in that was review to be Ivan, Faith, Jane, and Alicia.  What are you doing here said Lena in confusion? Sam tex us what was happening we decided to tell them the truth too said Ivan looking at Lucy more than Lena. Ok then let's go to the meeting room said, Sam.

They were all seating around the table when Eliza broke the silence. How did you get a spaceship said, Eliza? I got it when I was 16 years old said, Lena. What yell Alex and the others in shock. Lena ignores them and said I should start from the beginning. You all know that my mom and I went off the grid when I was 10 years old said, Lena.

The others nodded yes. You all found out that I was kidnap said, Lena. Again they all nodded yes. What all of you don't know is that the one who saved me and my mom was your aunt Kara said, Lena. What yell Kara and the rest in shock. Kara had tears in her eyes as she looks at Lena and said what is her name. Lena give her a sad look and said her name is Astra.  Kara sob when she heard her aunt's name.  Why had she not seen come to see me said, Kara with tears? Because she is no longer here on earth said, Sam.

What where is she buried yell at Kara in anger. Lena jump from her seat scared. Kara come down sweetie said, Eliza. She looks for you and Kal-El but she never found you said, Lena. When I say that she no longer on earth a mean she is on a different planet said, Sam.

Astra came into my mom's life when she was only 3 months pregnant with me said Lena.  she has been like a second mom to me and Sam said Lena in tears. She is the one who taught me, your language, and culture said Lena looking at Kara with a sad look. She was always devastated when she could not found you and Kal-El said Lena look at Kara's eyes with a sad look. She became so depressed she will go with hope looking for you and Kal-El she comes back so sadly she will cry in her room said Lena as she looks in the table and tears fell from her eyes. 

When she saved me and my mom from Lillian she also saved others too that were included, Alicia and her parents along with other aliens that became like family to me, and my mom said, Lena as she looks at Kara with tears that fell from her eyes. When I was well enough Sarah was able to help me find a way to communicate with my planet they came to pick us up my mother and father told Sarah and Astra they could come and live with us said, Alicia. They accepted of course said Alicia smile at Lena.

And what Adventure it was ha Alicia said Sam with a smile. So you and Lena were raised on a different planet said Lucy in shock. Yes, we have said Sam. Lena, Alicia, and I  had lots of fun going around causing trouble along the way we became friends with Ivan, Faith, and Jane said Sam looking at her friends that smile at her.

When Lena was 11 years old that when she saved Aaliyah her spaceship crash back home Lena saw it and ran to help that where she saw Aaliyah that had gotten out of the ship and fainted from blood loss said Sam with a sad look. When Lena saw that she was bleeding to death she was able to stop it and call mom that was brought others to help Aaliyah said Sam in tears. Aaliyah spends a year recovery and teaching Lena, me, and the rest of us how to fight but she spends more time with Lena than any one of us said Sam looking at Lena with a sad smile. That not true Sam said Lena with tears in her eyes. It true Lee said Ivan to Lena with a sad smile. Why are you telling us these said, Eliza.

Because when Aaliyah died her desire was for me to

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