chapter 31

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Just as Sam and Ivan were going to come up on stage Jane started to attack Lena. I was wondering what happened to you Jane said Lena with a smile. Like you said Lee attack when you least expected said Jane using a sword to attack Lena. Kara and Alex were about to interfere but Ivan stops them don't Lena have these said Ivan. How she is going to hurt her said, Alex. Just as Alex said that Lena grabs Jane's arm and hits Jane's side of the stomach that made her throw the sword to the ground. Jane was about to hit Lena but Lena jump over Jane and flip Jane to the ground.

Jane was in her stomach with Lena Twisted her arm from behind. I give said, Jane. Dame it Lee that hurt said Jane moving her arm around. Sorry said Lena patting Jane's back. Kara and the rest had their mouths open from shock. So are you two ready said Lena look at Sam and Ivan. Yes, they both said at the same time as swords appear in their arms. What how said Lucy seeing the swords.

It's a technology that Aaliyah give us when she was training as you see the bracelet that they are wearing that where they come from. Oh said, Lucy. Just as Sam disarms Ivan. Do you surrender said, Sam? When Sam said it Ivan hit Sam in the stomach that made Sam drop her weapon. As Sam drops the weapon Ivan flips over her shoulder.

As Sam flips over she rolls and did a law round kick and drops Ivan. Sam was about to take down Ivan when Jane attacks Sam from the back. Sam since this and move out of the way. The arrows that Jane was shooting come so fast that Kara and the others could not see where they were coming from. Lucy was about to go in there and stop them from hurting Ivan but Lena stop her by holding her still. Let go of me Lee Ivan and Sam need us said, Lucy.

No, they don't look said, Lena. Just as Lena said that Ivan had unarmed Jane. What just happened said, Alex and Lucy. It happens so fast that I didn't see anything said, Alex. What I saw was Sam use her sword by throwing it that in a force field that Jane had on her when that happened Ivan use her super-speed to run throw the force field and disarmed Jane said Kara in awe. Alex and the rest were in shock. Can someone tell me how can mere humans have that can of speed said Kal-El? That is simply said Sam looking at her sister with a smile.

Let us change and we will all answer your questions said Lena looking at her people with Pride. As Lena and the rest left the room, Jane and Ivan heard Kal-El said that what he saw was impossible. Ok, you want to tell us what we just saw said Kal-El with a bad attitude when they all came into the meeting room.  Lena just got up and said bye and she left the room. Sam did the same as her sister. Jane, Ivan, and Faith look at him like they want to rip him apart. Where do they think they're going said Kal-El as he was going to go after them?

If you go after the Kryptonite you will see what we do to our enemies said Faith glaring at Kal-El. Seat and be quiet said Astra to Kal-El. All Kal-El did is seat down glaring at Faith. So all of you have questions said, Astra. Yeah, I do how can they move the way they did say Kal-El in anger. Boy, you need to check your attitude said Faith glaring at him. Kal-El was about to talk but Alura stops him by glaring at him and says you will not talk or we will throw you out of this building.

So to answer your question Lena and Sam have those abilities because they raised half of their lives in a different world that had more gravity than is here on earth said Astra glaring at Superman. So that way they are good Fighters said J'onn. Astra and Alura laugh oh J'onn Lena and Sam were trained since they were still children, where they did not have those powers, said, Astra. Those 2 don't rely on their power's they rely on their instant said Alura with a smile. 

Just then Sam and Lena came in laughing and holding some bags of food. Hi, guys, we broad food said Lena smiling. So did you all put the grumpy super in his place said Sam glaring at Kal-El. Kara all but smile at Lena and putting Lena in her lap then getting pop stickers and said yes they did. Zee are you going to eat or what said Lena seating in Kara's lap. Man Lee how did you know I was hear said Zee by appearing in the empty seat. All Lena did was sly her some food.

How did you know when she was here said Louis with curiosity. She got here when Sam and Ivan were fighting said Lena stealing one of Kara's potstickers. What how did you know said, Alex. Her powers said Lena kissing Kara's lips. What do you mean said, Eliza? I don't know I can always tell when she uses them said Lena feeding Kara. Yes, my father is still confused about it he has many theories out of your bloodline on your mom's side said, Zee. What why said the rest. Zee looks at the people in the room and said normal humans and aliens have never since us like Lena and Sarah my dad is still puzzled by it.

Let live that for now Zee I call you to hear for I could use your help in training them for the next level so they can help in saving earth said, Lena. Zee looks around the room and said are they any good. Alex, Lucy is the best fighter that I saw so far. Kara is good too but she can use more practice on using weapons. Superman can use a lot of work that I have seen he is to rely on his strength and super speed for if it wasn't for that he would have died a long time ago said Lena looking at Kal-El. So what do you want me to do with him said Zee looking at Kal-El with a smirk?

Take his power to teach him how to fight as a human so he will know what to do when he is at his weakest and your girl what should we do with her. Reduce her powers to 30% Astra and I will not teach her in the training room am think we could go to the Rain Forest to train. What way do I get my powers taking away and Kara will still have them yell out Kal-El in anger.

That's way said, Lena. What do you mean said, Superman with a glare? I mean that you rely too much on your powers that you don't stop and think about what is going around you just like you talk without thinking said, Sam with a glare. So what about the 2 humans said, Zee. They will be trained by Faith Ivan and Sam along with you when you are finished training Superman said, Lena. I will like to get in the training said Diana along with Bat and John. So let's go train said Lena getting up from Kara's lap.

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