chapter four

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Following the nurse's directions, you find a vending machine with candy bars. You get a nickel from your pocket and slip it in the slot on the machine to get a Hershey candy bar. You take a right turn and then a left turn to get back to Doctor Jones's office.

You walk in and see your mother sleeping on the table and Doctor Jones and the nurse are talking in a whisper in the corner by his desk. They see you walk in and stop whispering. Doctor Jones walks out of the room, and you sit down again. The nurse comes to sit next to you. She's probably in her late twenties. She's pretty; she has green eyes and blonde hair tied up in a knot.
"I'm Donna," She says. "What's your name?"
"(Y/N). What's Doctor Jones doing?" You ask.
"He's just running some tests so we know what your mom has," Donna says.
"Okay," You pause. "Do you have a guess of what she has?"
"We have a few guesses, but I shouldn't say anything until we know for sure."
"Oh," You don't think that sounds good. You're not sure what else to say so you open your candy bar instead of talking. It's melted a little from being in your hand for so long.

Doctor Jones walks in, examines your mom, and walks out again. This happens a few times. Sometimes, your mom wakes up enough to answer some questions, but other times she doesn't wake up.

Donna attempted starting a few conversations, but they didn't really go anywhere. There just isn't much to talk to a stranger about. After about thirty minutes, she gets up and leaves. Maybe she finally gave up. It was kind of nice having someone here, though. Even if you weren't talking to each other. About ten minutes later, she comes back in with a deck of cards.
"Have you ever played War?" She asks and sits on the floor in front of the chairs.
"Yeah, I've played it with my mom." You say, sitting across from her.

You play War mostly in silence. You lost count of how many rounds you've played. But you know you've been playing for a few hours. Donna won most, but you were close behind her. You realize that you and Donna could be good friends. Maybe you can come hang out here with Donna on weekends when your mom recovers.

You finish another round and win. Neither of you really say that you want to stop, but you agree, with silence, to stop.
"How old are you, (Y/N)?" Donna asks.
"Guess," You say, arching one of your eyebrows.
She thinks for about five seconds. "Sixteen," She finally guesses.
"Fourteen," You correct her. She looks a little shocked, but just for a second.
"How old are you, if I may ask," You ask.
"Guess," She says, mimicking your expression when you told her to guess.
"Twenty-seven," You say.
"Twenty-eight," She corrected.

After guessing each other's favorite color, favorite holiday, favorite movie, and other random favorites for about twenty minutes, Doctor Jones walks in, followed by General Phillips.

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