chapter twenty-seven

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The four of you move cautiously through a corridor.
"I got heat signatures," Tony speaks.
"How many?" Steve asks.
"Uh, one," He replies.
You walk into a large room with six yellow Cryostasis Chambers similar to the one you were in for sixty years.
"If it's any comfort, they died in their sleep," the man who framed Bucky, Zemo, speaks over a speaker. "Did you really think I wanted more of you?"
You look around for him, but don't find him.
"I'm grateful to them, though," Zemo continues over the speaker. "They brought you here." A light comes on across the room, and you see his face. Steve throws his shield, and you shoot your gun. The shield and bullet bounce away from his head.
"Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets."
"I'm betting I could beat that," Stark calls. You glare at Zemo in his protection case. Because of him, you aren't in Romania doing push-ups in the apartment with Bucky.

Steve and Zemo speak of why he's doing this. He turns on a computer, and you, Steve, Bucky, and Tony gather around the computer to watch the video that's about to play.
"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles from within? That's dead...forever."
The screen shows surveillance video of a street from December, 1991.
"I know that road," Stark states. "What is this?"
A car flies down the street, into a tree. A man on a motorcycle appears on the screen. You recognize the man as Bucky. You glance up at him to see him looking down. You look back to the screen to see a man crawl out of the car, just to be killed by the Winter Soldier.
"Howard!" A woman calls from the car as the man's face is being pounded in by bucky's metal arm. Bucky drags him to the drivers seat before choking the woman in the car. Tony jumps at Bucky, but Steve grabs him. Stark turns toward Steve.
"Did you know?"
"I didn't know it was him," Steve replies.
"I'm not putting up with your b.s., Rogers. Not today. Did you know?" Stark sneers.

Tony takes a moment before slapping Steve across the room. Before you think, you're next to Steve's side, helping him up. Bucky immediately began attacking Stark. He flies Bucky across the room by the throat.
"Stop!" You scream. You turn to Zemo, the man who started this, but he is nowhere to be seen. Steve throws his shield at Stark, and he begins fighting him. Stark shoots a devise that wraps around Steve's feet. You grab your shield from your back and start slamming it on his suit as hard as you can, but he shoves you to the ground with his cold, metal hand. Bucky gets a punch in on Tony's chin before he is being held against the wall by his neck. You throw your shield up at Stark, but he barely budged. Your shield flies back down right at you; you duck before it can dent your forehead. Bucky breaks something in the suit's left hand, causing the blaster to burst. Stark shoots a rocket that explodes across the room, but cause a towers to fall toward himself and Bucky. While Steve is attempting to break the device on his ankles, you run towards Bucky to help. You're not sure how to, because Stark is holding him halfway up the wall. The tower falls on them, and debris falls on tony.
"Get outta here." Steve motions to you and Bucky. You begin running, but are stopped by Stark. Bucky opens the ceiling with a button and calls for you to follow him up. You begin climbing, but Tony follows. He punches Bucky into the wall, so Steve sends him into the other wall.

"He's not gonna stop. Go," Steve tells Bucky a level beneath you. Bucky climbs to your platform, and you both continue up. Stark shoots the gears holding the ceiling open, so Bucky can't leave. He comes up toward you and Bucky, but Bucky hits him with a metal pipe. Stark grabs Bucky into a head-lock and asks him if he remembers his parents.
"I remember all of them," Bucky speaks through his teeth. Stark begins down but is dragged down quickly by Steve. You, Stark, and Steve land at ground level while Bucky lands on a platform just above you. Stark and Steve begin sparring. Bucky sees his shield and hits stark before throwing it to Steve. Bucky and Steve against Stark seems unfair, but he deserves it. You stay back, until Stark shoots Steve against the wall. Bucky is there already. Bucky starts pulling the blue light from Stark's chest, but he fires a beam, shooting Bucky's metal arm off. You start toward Steve before he shoots bucky again, keeping him down. You pound the edge of the shield on the metal face multiple times before he shoots you on the center of your stomach, sending you against the room next to Bucky. Sharp pain shoots through your abdomen. You see Steve going at Stark before your vision blurs. You remember thinking that you need to stay awake. That you need to help Bucky, but you can't keep your eyes open. Now, all you can see is black.

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