chapter twenty-five

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" didn't...wait. No, we didn't have a kid." He speaks as he paces along the side of the car away from the others.
"But you see her. When you see me, you can see her?"
This leaves him speechless.

You saw the lady going behind the van, so you follow her for some privacy.
"I'm Wanda," She says, slipping her long, red coat on.
"(Y/N)," You reply, looking up at her. You decided not to wear the tan uniform shirt from your mother. Wearing the T-shirt that you're already wearing is much easier. You put your gun in the back of your pants and follow Wanda back to the team to hear the plan.

Bucky, Sam, and you went to one part of the building to look for the getaway jet while Wanda and Clint, he said his name was, went to another level to wait for their signal. Steve is down at ground level to confront Stark. You stand between Bucky and Sam by the window to see Steve running to a helicopter. He is stopped by two people in metal suits. The red and gold suit's helmet comes off to reveal Tony Stark. Steve is trying to negotiate when the Black Panther jumps down, making you aware of the scratches on your back that are, fortunately, healing quickly. Steve and Stark continue their heated discussion when Natasha shows up, trying to convince Steve to give up. After Steve declines her offer, Stark calls out to someone. A man in a weird bug-suit flips over Steve, stealing his shield and restraining his hands. You hear him introduce himself as "Spider-Man." He seems to be talking a lot.

Sam is searching for the Quinjet to leave in.
"We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway," He informs cap through his earpiece. Steve raises his arms, giving Clint the signal to free him with an arrow. Lang, who is on Steve's shield, grows suddenly, knocking Spider-Man down and getting the shield. Almost nobody here seems to have abilities that agree with scientific laws.
"Come on," Sam says, ready to run to wherever we're supposed to go. You didn't really pay attention when Steve told everyone the plan. You follow next to Bucky, who is next to Sam, when Spider-Man jumps and sticks to the window.
"What the hell is that?" Bucky says while running. You seem to be the only one who was watching the discussion through the window.
"Everyone's got a gimmick now," Sam speaks.
Spider-Man breaks a window and swings through, kicking Sam across the room. Bucky throws a punch, but his metal fist is caught in Spider-Man's hand.
"You have a metal arm?" Spider-Man speaks, and you realize that his voice is not that of a man. You wonder why he calls himself "Spider-Man."

Sam flies into the spider thing(you refuse to call him a man when he clearly is not) and lifts him in the air. The bug thing struggles out of Sam's grip and swings from the ceiling. You throw your shield at him but miss. You haven't quite figured out how to use it correctly, so you have to run to retrieve your shield. You throw again when he's standing and bragging, this time skimming his leg. He loses balance and falls. You press the tip of your shield to his chest so he can't stand.
"Are you a fan of Captain America, too?" He asks. "I have a shield at home. It's only plastic, though."
"I have a question. Who told you you're a man? You're like..twelve."
"What? That's just mean. You're like what...fifteen?" He tries insulting you back, but fails.
"I am fifteen, Spiderling." He sweeps his leg under your's, knocking you on your back.
"That's impressive, actually. But I gotta go." He shoots some white...webs out of his hands to swing back to the ceiling.
"Is that-" Spider-Man swings away before you can finish your question. You finish to yourself, carbon or vinyl?
Bucky throws something at him, but he throws it back. You run to a pillar next to Bucky's to take cover. Sam lifts him again, but is shot down into a little stand. His arm gets shot to a railing with Spider-Man's white stuff when he stands. Spider-Man swings at Sam, but you jump in front of him; Bucky jumps in front of you, and you're all stuck to the ground with his white stuff. Spider-Man talks again, which gives Sam time to call his drone with his wrist gizmo; Spider-Man is flying out the window.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky is pretty much done with Sam.
"I hate you," Sam is also pretty done with Bucky, apparently.
"I'm too old for this," You moan.

Bucky frees his arm and takes the webs off of your leg and wrist. You retrieve your shield while Bucky contemplates leaving Sam here.
"We have to go," You say, motioning to Bucky. He rips the webs off Sam and runs with you.

You join the rest of the team, but get stopped by everyone else, including the Black Panther and a weird, flying alien that is, strangely, well-dressed.
"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks.
"We fight."
The two groups start towards each other, preparing for battle. You don't pay attention to who is fighting who. You are focused on the Black Panther, who is fighting Bucky. You are running towards them when Steve yells to you, "Get to the jet."
"No," You object. You begin running to him instead, as Bucky is handling Black Panther. Steve is fighting Spider-Man, and is having a rough time.
"Please," You notice a sense of urgency in Steve's voice, and you recognize his desperate need to protect you.

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