chapter eighteen

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February, 2016

Bucky is now sitting up in bed while you're laying on the couch. He usually lays back down and, sometimes, falls back asleep. Tonight, he gets up and sits at the kitchen table. He turns on a small lamp as to not wake you, but he already did when he shot up in bed louder than usual.

You've been in Romania with Bucky for nine months now. Almost every day for nine months, he suddenly wakes with a sharp gasp. You have wanted to help him every time, but you had no idea what to do or say. Now, after being with him for so long, you have an idea of what to do.

You get out of bed and sit across from Bucky. He moves his finger over a line on the back of his metal hand. You watch his movements for a little while before speaking.
"You okay?" You ask, raising your eyes to his face. He nods the slightest bit.
"You want to talk about it?" You know the answer before he shakes his head.
Well, I tried. You think, standing up. Only when you're five feet away does Bucky speak.
"Wait," He whispers. You quietly return to your seat across from him and wait for him to explain why he can't sleep through most nights. But instead, he tells you pretty much his entire life story.

He starts by telling you about when he fell off the train and "died." That's when he lost his arm. Hydra found him, removed his memories, and transformed him into the Winter Soldier. For seventy years, he was either in cryofreeze or being forced to kill people. He told you that there are certain words that will still turn him into the Winter Soldier. He explains why he was in the antique store in Brooklyn where you were under cryofreeze-answers. He left Hydra with few memories left, and he's been searching for answers about himself.

"Three months ago, when we went running and hid in the alley, I saw seven Hydra agents. They were looking for me," He finally tells you after three months. He studies your face and speaks again. "If you want to leave, I can get you to America or somewhere else."
"Why would I want to leave?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.
"Well, I just told you how horrible I am and that Hydra is looking for me. If they find me..." He trails off, probably imagining what Hydra would do to you if they found you.
"You're not a horrible person. None of what you just told me is your fault," You assure him. "And Hydra won't find you. I'm not leaving."

You and Bucky went back to bed. He's snoring quietly, and you're laying awake processing all of your new information about Bucky. It's no wonder he's so quiet and has bad dreams. You're thinking about Hydra and how horrible they are for doing this to Bucky, when an exciting thought hits you: Bucky and you just bonded.

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