chapter twenty-two

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A man is speaking to Bucky, but the video has no sound. Sam is now sitting next to you, and Steve is standing, watching Bucky. A blonde-haired woman walks in and hands a paper to Sam.
"A receipt for your gear," she walks to a remote on the table and puts the video of Bucky on the screen in the room so you can hear what they're saying.
"I'm not here to judge you..." a European man speaks to Bucky. You look at the woman, hoping to tell her "thank you" or something, but your voice catches. When you look into this woman's eyes, you see your mom. Your heart skips a beat, and the feeling of recognition leaves when you remember Bucky.

"I just want to ask you a few questions," the man speaks to Bucky. You start to feel queasy. After you try to dismiss, and fail, the uneasiness, you speak up.
"Steve, somethings wrong," You caution. He thinks for a moment before grabbing a blurry photo of Bucky.
"You're right," He says, putting it back on the table. "Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?"
"Get the word out. Involve as many eyes as we can?" The woman replies.
"No. That's not what I mean." You stand, the urgency rising. "Something isn't right. In there." You point to the screen.
"(Y/N), it's okay. We're in an armed facility. Everyone's safe," the woman tries comforting you, but fails miserably.
"How can you tell?" Steve looks intently at your face.
"I..I don't know. I just feel it. I just know," You reply, looking at Bucky on the screen. You sit back down.
"You're worried about him," Steve observes. "He's going to be fine." He looks at the picture on the table again. "It's a good way to flush a guy out of hiding..." he continues conversing with Sam and the woman.

"Tell me, Bucky, you've seen a great deal, haven't you?" The man questions Bucky.
"I don't want to talk about it." Bucky's voice seems strained. The man's questions are giving you anxiety.. Your leg bounces under the table. Steve notices your leg and smiles in an attempt of reassurance. It doesn't work. The man speaking to Bucky looks at his phone before speaking again.
"...don't worry, we only have to talk about one."

Suddenly, all the lights go off, leaving you in the dark, figuratively and literally.
"I knew it. Oh my gosh...I knew it! Where is he?" You stand, ready to run as soon as you know where to go. Steve and the blonde-haired woman exchange worried glances. "Where is he?!" You repeat, louder than before.
"Sub-level five, east wing." As the woman speaks, you're trying to find your way to the correct location. It's a bit difficult in a new place, so you follow closely behind Steve with Sam a little ways behind. As soon as you hear Bucky yelling, you dart past Steve. Bucky's voice has quieted, but you find where it was coming from. You stop in a room that seems to be the one on the screen. Steve comes in right behind you with Sam immediately behind him. Several guards are crumpled on the ground, but you don't really notice them. You're searching for Bucky. The man with the accent, who is behind all of this, is on the floor, gasping for help. You rush to him to hurt him instead, but you are stopped short by Steve's arm. He hands you off to to Sam, though you immediately shrug out of his grip. You stay behind, silently hoping Steve will hurt him worse than you can. He shoves him against the wall and asks him what he wants.
"To see an empire fall," the man replies, smirking.

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