chapter thirteen

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You feel the slight bounce when the plane touches the ground in Bucharest, Romania. You look out the window and wait for the time to get off this plane. The plane continues forward, progressively slowing until it stops. When it stops, passengers unbuckle their seatbelt and get their luggage from the overhead compartments. You put your backpack on your back and grab your shield. A few people are leaving the plane, but most are still getting their things. You try to maneuver your way through the crowd to Bucky, but you can't seem to get to him without shoving or hurting anybody. You see that you need to go with the crowd into the airport. You're able to step off to the side in hallway. You decide to wait for him there. You sit against the wall for a few minutes before you recognize Bucky walking towards you.
"Ready to go?" He asks.
"Yeah." You stand up and walk beside Bucky. He brings you outside of the airport where cars are being filled with people and luggage. He walks to a man standing next to a motorcycle. Bucky hands the man some money, and the man hands him a key. Bucky gets on the motorcycle and motions for you to get on the back. You climb on and put your arms around his waist. He puts the key in the ignition to turn it on. He pushes a petal with his foot, and the motorcycle jumps forward. Bucky speeds to the road. He slips between vehicles driving down the road. What little traffic is there, he slips through it quickly.

Soon after you left the airport, Bucky pulls up to an apartment building that is worn out but still operational. He leads you up a narrow staircase to the ninth floor. He opens the door to reveal his apartment. To your left are shelves and a door that leads to, what you guess is, the bathroom. In front of you is a mattress, and to your right is a very small kitchen. A table is on your right, and a bookshelf is in the table's right. The room has three windows and two doors, but it's dark. It smells musky and looks dirty. You'll have to convince Bucky to let you clean up a bit.

"I'll go get you a bed," He announces, walking out the door. When he leaves, you try to look out a window, but find newspapers covering it. You notice the musky smell that seems to be getting stronger. If you could open a window, that would help, but Bucky has newspapers there for a reason. If you opened the window, it would defeat the purpose of them. You walk around the perimeter of the room, bored. Letting out a yawn, you remember that you didn't sleep on the airplane; you're feeling jet lagged. Bucky's bed has only a sleeping bag, but still looks inviting. When you can't resist sleep anymore, you lay on his bed. Not a second after you lay down, you fall asleep.

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