chapter six

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After walking around for a while and taking random turns, you finally go back to the room. You open the door to see General Phillips talking to your mother. It looks like an important conversation. You decide that you should leave and let them talk.
"No, come in," General Phillips says when you start to walk out. "We were just finishing." He walks past you and out the door.

"What was that about?" You ask when you can't hear General Phillip's footsteps anymore. She pats the chair next to her bed, and you sit.
"S.H.I.E.L.D. has done much good in the three years that it's been operating," She starts. "But, every year- every day, really- they get more and more enemies. Not all pose a real threat, but some do." She pauses to take a breath. "I have made many enemies as one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and when I'm gone, they won't be satisfied. They will come after you."
"I-" You start saying that you can take care of yourself, but she interrupts.
"I know." She says. "You are strong. So strong. But I don't want you to spend your life defending yourself from my enemies on your own." You're not really sure where this  is going. "Hydra, one of our greatest enemies, has made a machine that freezes and preserves a person for, possibly, hundreds of years. When they wake up, they will still be alive and as well as they were before. We have acquired the technology to do the same. I think it would be best for you to be kept in a Cryostasis Chamber, also known as cryofreeze, so S.H.I.E.L.D. has a chance to grow and get a better ability to help you before they wake you up."
You're not sure what to say. This is overwhelming, but she's right. This is the best way. It will be strange, but maybe things won't be that different when they wake you up. They have already grown a lot in three years. Maybe you won't have to be in there for more than a few years.
"Sure," You say with a faint smile.
"All right." She looks a little shocked. Probably because she was expecting you to object.

Your mom falls asleep and you decide to take another walk. You walk down this hallway and turn right. You turn right again and find yourself back in the lobby. You walk the perimeter of the lobby until you come to a wall full of photos. Photos of agents who have died. In about a week, they will put your mother's photo on this wall. You see someone familiar. Uncle Bucky. He died before S.H.I.E.L.D. was built, but your mom probably had him become an agent; even though he's gone.

Suddenly, you realize that you haven't had anything to drink for a while. You decide to go find some water. You walk up to the desk in the front of the lobby.
"Is there somewhere I can get some water?" You ask the lady sitting there and typing something into her computer.
"Yes. Just go down this hall." She points to a hallway but doesn't look up at you. "There's a vending machine at the back of it," She finishes.
"Thanks," You say and walk to the vending machine.

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