chapter ten

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You watch the buildings, cars, and trees go by through the taxi window. The taxi pulls up to a large building with a sign on the front that says "Holiday Inn". Bucky gives the man driving the taxi some money, and you both get out of the taxi. You walk to the doors and reach to open them, but they open on their own and startle you. You walk through the doors onto a red carpet with orange circles. The smell that fills your nose as soon as you step in is different than anything that you've ever smelled; it smells fresh but old at the same time. Bucky steps in front of you to an elevator. He pushes a button, and it glows for a few seconds before the doors open. When you're inside, he pushes another button, making it glow.
"Didn't they used to have music?" You speak as the elevator goes up. Bucky glances at his feet and smirks. The door opens on the third floor. Bucky leads you to a room with a gold plaque on the door that says "38." He gets a plastic rectangle from his pocket. When he slips it into the lock in the door, a green light flashes, and he opens the door.

You stand in front of the door Bucky just closed and look at the hotel room. The wall across from the door is a glass door that opens up to a balcony. In front on the door, a strange black screen is on the wall across from a black couch. To your right is a small kitchen, and to your left are two doors. The door all the way to the left is open all the way to reveal a bathroom with a towel on the floor and a little shaving cream on the mirror. On the sink, there's a few smudges of toothpaste are in the sink and a toothbrush and a bottle of toothpaste on the corner of the sink. The bathroom is messy, but it still looks like it's barely been used. The door to the right of the bathroom is closed, but you're sure it's the bedroom.

Bucky walks to the table beside the couch with a phone and lamp on it.
"Can I get a set of sheets, a pillow, and a blanket in room thirty-eight? Thanks," He says and puts the phone back on the table. He then walks into the bedroom and starts tidying up his few possessions; he takes the sheets off the bed and carries the sheet, the blanket, and pillows to the couch. Someone knocks on the door, and Bucky walks to the door and opens it to reveal an older woman in a gray apron, carrying a pile of sheets with a blanket and pillow. He thanks her and takes them. She looks at you for a second before nodding and walking away.

"Here, I can do that," You say when he starts walking toward the bedroom to make the bed. You take the sheets from him and make the bed, trying to remember how your mom told you to do it. You try to fold the corners of the sheets tightly so they aren't sticking out, but you can't get them to stay. Finally, when you can see that it's dark outside, you throw the top sheet and the blanket on the bed. Bucky walks in with a shirt in his hand. "You can sleep in this, if you want," He says, setting the shirt on the end of the bed. You grab the shirt and go into the bathroom to take a shower.

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