chapter twenty-four

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"Who were they?" Steve is leaning up against the wall in an abandoned warehouse. Bucky gives you a meaningful look, thanking you for freeing him. He turns back to Steve and replies, "The most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in Hydra history."
You tune out the next part of the conversation to think. Bad people with the same thing Bucky has (except they actually want it) are probably under the control of the same guy who flipped Bucky's Winter-Soldier "switch" and wants to "see an empire fall." And these guys could easily make an empire fall. Got it. Not good.

"So, let me get this straight. What's-her-name works for the people who are trying to kill Bucky and put the rest of us in jail, and we're on our way to meet with her. Please tell me I'm wrong." You are sitting in the backseat of a car that everyone is calling vintage. Bucky is next to you in the back; in front of him is Sam, in the passenger seat, next to Steve, who is driving.
"Her name is Sharon," Steve corrects. "And I trust her."

Two cars are parked under a bridge on an empty, country road. When Sharon pulls up, Steve gets out. They walk to the trunk of her car. Steve's shield and suit, Sam' suit, and your shield are packed in the trunk.

Sam's seat is laying all the way back, just over Bucky's lap, and Sam wears a hard expression.
"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asks, staring at Sam's head.
"Buck, you can switch with me," You offer. He gives you a small smile and opens his door. You slide over the seat while Bucky walks around. He climbs in, and you realize why he was so cramped. "Sam, can you move your seat?"
"Sure," Sam smiles kindly and lifts his seat up. Bucky is staring at you in disbelief. You shrug your shoulders and turn to see Steve kissing Sharon. Your eyes widen in horror, and you look at your hands. You understand that your mom's dead, but you can't bear watch your father kissing another woman. You see Sam and Bucky smiling at Steve. You "accidentally" kick Sam's seat and Bucky's leg.
"Oops." You shrug.

Sam climbs out to help Steve carry the gear into the car, but Steve has it all in his arms before Sam can get there. Steve puts it in the trunk while Sam climbs in.
"What now?" You wonder.
"We're going to join the rest of the team," Steve replies.

Steve drives to an empty level of a parking garage and parks near a grey van. Steve and Sam get out to meet a blonde-haired man and a young woman wearing dark colors. You're standing by your door with the car between you and everyone else. Bucky walks over to stand by you. The man talking to Steve opens the sliding door to reveal a man jolt out of sleep. The man shakes cap's hand; you see that he's a big fan. Steve calls him "Mr. Lang," but Sam calls him "Tic-tac." Apparently, these three are the new additions to your team.

"We should get moving," Bucky calls to Steve.
"We got a chopper lined up," the blonde-haired man speaks.
A European man makes an announcement over the speaker. "Dies ist eine Notsituation Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren."
"They're evacuating the airport," You speak quietly to Bucky. You don't feel completely comfortable with talking to all of these strangers at once. He nods, also understanding the man's words.
"They're evacuating the airport," He repeats.
"Stark," Sam states.
"Stark?" Lang seems to not know that Tony is involved, based on his remark.
"Suit up," Steve commands. He walks to the trunk and passes everyone their gear. The dark-clothed woman climbs into the van to get her outfit. You follow Bucky closer to everyone else. The blonde-haired man hands Bucky a black outfit that reveals his metal arm. Bucky starts changing, showing scars that not many have seen. Scott pulls something out of his pocket and makes it bigger before he puts it on. Steve motions for you to follow him to the trunk of the car.
"Do you need to wear something else?" You're still in joggers and one of Bucky's T-shirts from Romania. You nod. Steve pulls a leather jacket, baggy pants, and a tan military uniform shirt from the forties. From your mom. You get a sudden feeling of loss and sadness. You haven't felt quite like this since you discovered your mother's disease.
"Someone should use them. Peggy wouldn't have wanted them to collect dust in a museum."

A tear slides down your cheek. Steve furrows his eyebrows and looks at you quizzically.
"What's wrong?" He inquires.
"I just-" Now isn't the best time to tell him, but there's really no way you could find a good lie quickly. "I just miss her." You look at Steve who is staring at you, puzzled.
"How'd you know her?" He asks. You sigh, worried.
"I'm her daughter," you finally manage to say. His face changes to a different look of confusion. "I'm your daughter."

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