chapter twenty-eight

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"(Y/N)." You hear Bucky mumbling your name. You feel Steve's arm wrap around you and lift you up. You're awake, but your eyes want to be closed again. You shut your eyes, and stumble next to Steve as he helps both you and Bucky back to the Quinjet. He sets you and Bucky in the seats and sits in the pilot's seat. He sits for about a minute to catch his breath before flying away.

Steve's footsteps wake you up. He's sitting back in the pilot's seat now. You sit up and rub your eyes. Your abdomen is already feeling better than before; it is merely sore now. You turn to see Wanda, Sam, Clint, and Scott sitting in the back. You must've slept through Steve rescuing them.

You've said "goodbye" to Clint, Scott, and Wanda and are back in the air. Steve puts the Quinjet on auto-pilot before coming to the back of the jet by you. He sits across from you and speaks, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" You ask, confused.
"Well, this week hasn't been easy. Especially when Peggy just died."
"Technically, she died fifty-seven years ago."
Steve's confused look becomes a pitiful look.
"(Y/N), Peggy just died," Steve speaks carefully. You sit in silence for a moment before walking to the back of the jet.
"We could have been together. This whole time?"
Steve doesn't speak. He just stands and moves towards you. Before you realize it, you're being embraced by your father. You're not sure why, but Steve's bear hug makes you feel much better. Because, if you hadn't been frozen, you wouldn't have this moment with Steve.

"Listen, I need you to stay with Tony for a while," Steve speaks after a few minutes of hugging you.
"What? No! Please," You plead, taking a half-step back. "He almost killed Bucky. And you."
"Tony's a good person. He was angry and confused."
"I'm not staying with him. Why do I need to, anyways? Why can't I go with you and Bucky and Natasha and Sam?"
"We're going off the grid. That isn't a good setting to grow up in."
"But at least I would have my dad." You look at your hands as you pick at your cuticles.
"Please, (Y/N). Peggy would kill me if she knew I let you come."
With that, your resolve weakens. You know he's right. "Will you come back?"
Steve smirks. "I wouldn't leave my best girl for too long."

Sam flies you just outside the Avenger's compound. You turn back, hoping to see the Quinjet. Hoping to see Bucky and Steve. When you don't find it, you continue toward the large building with an "A." You look through the glass door to see Stark reading a letter. The letter Steve sent. You knock on the glass. Stark motions for you to enter.
"Ah, Little Cap. He mentioned you would be staying here," Stark speaks, walking over to you. "About what happened. It shouldn't have involved you."
"Actually, it became my business as soon as you went after Buck," You not-so-subtly accuse. "Can I go to my room?" You remember Stark clenching Bucky's throat.
"Yeah," Stark moves back behind his desk. "FRIDAY, show (Y/N) to her new living space."
An invisible, non-human voice speaks from somewhere in the room. "Yes, Mr. Stark. Miss Rogers, this way please." An elevator opens in the distance; you're confused as to how it opened on its own. You look to Stark, hoping he'll explain who FRIDAY is. He's finishing the letter from Steve and doesn't notice you.
"Would you like some help, (Y/N)?"
You spin suddenly to see the well dressed alien from the airport. You nod, grateful for this man's offer. He motions for you to follow him to your new room. He speaks as he leads you to the elevator, "My name is Vision. I live here at the compound. I'm glad you'll be staying with us."
"I'm not," You pause, realizing the harshness of your words. "I mean, no offense to you.  I would just rather be with Bucky or Steve, even."
"It's all right, (Y/N). I understand," Vision does not seem hurt by your words.

The elevator opens to a hallway of doors. Vision leads you to the third door to the left. Opening the door, he reveals a partially filled bedroom. A blank desk is immediately ahead of you, an empty bookshelf sits to the right of the desk, and a double-sized, empty bed is in the corner to your right. Before you realize that Vision left, he reappears, holding a set of gray sheets.
"You may decorate it however you like. I'm not sure if you would like to stay in here for the rest of the day, but breakfast is at nine tomorrow," Vision informs. After handing you the sheets, he leaves down the hallway. Once he is out of sight, you close the door and place the sheets on your bed. Stretched out on the bed, you stare at the white ceiling, too drained to think or sleep.

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