chapter eight

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May, 2015

You hear the door of the Cryostasis Chamber open. When you wake up, you realize how cold you are. You shiver and open your eyes. You sit in the chamber for a while then step out and look around. You're trying to let your eyes adjust to this new lighting. Once they have adjusted, you see that the room that you stand in is different than it was when you were put in cryofreeze. Stacks of boxes sit where computers once were. Dust and cobwebs cover every inch of everything. Your eyes rest on a man standing a few feet away. He must have been the one to let you out of the Cryostasis Chamber. He doesn't look like one of the scientists who put you in there, but you recognize him.
How do I know him? You think. He has long, brown hair and nervous, blue eyes. You notice that he's wearing a leather glove only on his left hand, which you think is strange.
For a a few good seconds, you just stand there, looking at each other. Suddenly, your mind is flooded with realization, and you speak. "Bucky?"
He hears his name and tenses up even more. "Where did you hear that name?" He says, and before you can answer, he speaks again. "How do I recognize you? Who are you?" He looks at you like he's trying to solve a puzzle.
"(Y/N) Rogers," You say. As soon as you say "Rogers," you watch realization fill his expression.
"Steve had a kid?" He says, taking a small step forward. He looks at you, and you see that he's looking for proof that you're his best friend's daughter; you start feeling uneasy when he finally speaks. "Peggy. She's your mom?" As you nod your head, your stomach grumbles loudly.

You hadn't realized how hungry you are, though it does make sense; you haven't eaten in a while. "It's almost lunch time," He says. "Let's go eat."
"Wait," You say, remembering your shield. "There's something I need to get first." You look by the Cryostasis Chamber where Howard Stark placed your shield before you were frozen- it feels as if it was just yesterday. When you don't see your shield, you start looking around the boxes. You finally find it leaning up against some boxes. It has dust and cobwebs covering it, so you blow it off as much as you can before you have to clean it with the hem of your shirt. After it's clean, you slip your arm through the leather straps on the back.
"Okay. I'm ready," You say. He looks at your shield and speaks.
"What's it made of?" He asks.
"Vibranium, I think," You reply. He takes his glove and the left sleeve of his jacket off to reveal a metal arm. It has the same metal as your shield. You think about his metal arm for a few seconds before your stomach grumbles again. You put your arm with the shield on your stomach, trying to get it to stop.
"There's a diner down the street. Your dad got beat up behind it," He says, smiling the first smile you've seen on his face.

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