Chapter 5

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Shane's P.O.V.
Me and Ryland decided to go to Mexico to take a breather.I felt Ryland hold my hand while I kept my other hand on the wheel to drive.I wonder how (y/n) is doing? I thought to myself,"You need to stop worrying Shane."Ryland said breaking me out of my thoughts.
"I'm not worrying I'm just thinking."I lied
"Shane the point of this vacation is to leave our worries behind.Just take a breather you deserve this break."Ryland said I sighed and nodded
"Your right." I sighed.~time skip to Mexico~
Me and Ryland finally made it to Mexico and got our room.We placed our stuff on the bed,"I'm beat." Ryland said while laying on the bed. I laid down beside Ryland and wrapped my arms around him.He sighed in content,"I'm glad we were able to take time off and spend time together."he said
"I am too."I replied while hugging him a bit closer.We laid down together for a while while holding each other.
Your p.o.v.
Morgan,Garret, and I finished our movie marathon. I checked the time on my phone 11:45 pm,"I'm going to crash to bed guys." I told Morgan and Garret.
"Okay night shister."Morgan said while giggling I shook my head and laughed.
"Night niece."Garret said while giving me a quick hug. I got up from the couch and headed upstairs to my room. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket I took out my phone and saw it was my dad.
Dad 🐷💕:Hey how's everything going?I just wanted to check up on you.
Me:Lol I'm fine dad don't worry 💕
Dad 🐷💕: Okay but let me know if you need anything.😊
Me:Dad! I'm here with Morgan and Garret I'm fine.You need to relax and hang out with Ryland.💗
Dad 🐷💕: I know, I know also don't stay up too late 💕
Me: I know get some sleep dad love you 💗
Dad 🐷💕: Love you 2 ❤️
I put my phone away and changed into my pajamas. I crawled into bed and went to sleep. ~next day~
I woke up and changed into new pair of clothes. I did my hair really quick and headed downstairs. I headed to the kitchen to get some breakfast I saw Morgan eating some pancakes,"Morning Morgan."I greeted with a smile she looked up at me with a smile,"Want to eat? I made some pancakes."She offered I smiled and nodded.
"Yes please." She got up and grabbed me a plate and put pancakes on it.She came towards the table with my plate of pancakes and put in front of me,"Thank you." I said while putting syrup on my pancakes.I grabbed my fork and knife and started eating my food.Morgan and I finished eating and put our plates in the sink.Me and Morgan went in the living and put on the tv. I felt my phone buzz it was Ryland I decided to open it.
Padre 💗:

Me: How adorable 😭 Padre 💗: This is the aftermath 😂

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Me: How adorable 😭
Padre 💗: This is the aftermath 😂

Me: lol that's dad for you 😂😝Padre 💗: That's true lol still love him though Me: I know 😂 Padre 💗:Have fun with Morgan and Garret 😊 we'll be home soon ❤️Me: Okay bye have fun 💜I turned off my phone and watched tv with Morgan

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Me: lol that's dad for you 😂😝
Padre 💗: That's true lol still love him though
Me: I know 😂
Padre 💗:Have fun with Morgan and Garret 😊 we'll be home soon ❤️
Me: Okay bye have fun 💜
I turned off my phone and watched tv with Morgan.

Heyyyy shippers sorry that the chapters are short lately but I'm trying lol but I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyyywayyys byyye love you guys take care 😘💕❤️💜

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