Chapter 24 Heading Back

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Your P.O.V.
We were finally able to go back home. Our new house didn't get burned down which is crazy and a miracle. Today was the day we left Aunt Morgan's house once I had all my stuff I put it in dad's car. I was outside with Aunt Morgan who was helping putting Kat in her car seat. Aunt Morgan said bye to Kat and placed a quick kiss on her forehead, Aunt Morgan looked over at me and smiled,"Don't forget to visit." She joked I laughed.
"I won't don't worry." I smiled
"So are you excited to head back home?" She asks I shrug not really knowing how to answer it,"I mean I guess but...I'm still not ready to go to the new house." I reply she gave me a sympathetic nod,"I know it's hard but I know you'll get through it." She says placing a hand on my shoulder and then pulling me into a hug I held onto her. Finally we broke the hug I heard dad's voice,"Cheeto's scratching me!" Dad whined
"I'm literally walking two dogs and your complaining about Cheeto scratching you." Ryland said as he put the dogs in the car with Kat in the backseat. Ryland closed the back car doors and walked back to Morgan and I. He smiled at us and thanked Morgan for letting us stay with her,"Yeah no problem you know I'll do anything for you guys." She says smiling at us Ryland hugged Aunt Morgan and got into his car. Dad brought his car as well so I was going to be driving with him. Dad hugged Morgan as well and we walked to the car and started driving to the new house. The ride to the house was a bit quiet until dad started making conversation,"Do you know how your going to decorate your room?" He asks quickly looking over at me and then back at the road. I shrugged but then realized he can't see me shrugging,"I'm not to sure yet." I reply.
"I think Ryland might decorate Kats room." Dad said I hummed as a response,"Speaking of Ryland I have something to ask you." He says nervously this makes me sit up straight.
"What is it? You guys aren't breaking up are you?" I ask sadly and nervously he shook his head,"No of course not! I love him but I want to ask would you feel if I were to ask umm you know marry me how would you feel?" He asked nervously I was in shock that he was even asking me this sort of question. I felt my jaw drop a bit,"I umm wow..." I gasp
"Is that a bad idea?" He panicked I shook my head.
"No of course not! It's just that I'm shocked who else have you told?" I asked
"Morgan." He replies
"I wouldn't mind dad. He's been there for both of us. He makes you happy as well so I don't mind." I reply this reminded me of when Ryland first came around and he asked me if I was alright with him being with my dad.
Ryland took me to Starbucks that day. We were sitting down drinking our coffee and eating our snacks. Ryland seemed nervous when he was sitting across from me,"So how do you feel about me being with your dad?" He asks I sipped on my coffee.
"I don't have a problem with you being with my dad. Honestly you've made him the happiest person around." I say with a smile Ryland seemed relived.
"Well that's good. I'm sorry if I'm bad with know the whole parenting thing." He says as he drinks his coffee I take a bite out of my food and shook my head.
"Your doing well in my opinion." I said he smiled at me.
"Thanks. I'm glad I'm doing alright." He replies smiling once we finished our food and drinks we threw our trash away. We walked out of Starbucks Ryland wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him as well.
The memory made me smile. We were finally home and Dad and I took out the bags that we had. I saw Rylands car already in the driveway Kat was running around with the dogs. Ryland was placing the suitcases onto the ground as he pulled out the other bags. Dad and I walked over to Ryland to help him,"Oh you guys here! Thank goodness! What do you guys want for dinner?" He asks I shrugged.
"I was thinking spaghetti?" Ryland suggested I nodded and continued to help Ryland. Once we finished we all went inside Dad and I started moving some furniture around in the living room. Kat was playing with Cheeto and watching us move the furniture around. Ryland was almost done making dinner he was just setting up the table. Dad and I placed down the couch in the spot we wanted it, Kat clapped and laughed,"Guys dinners ready!" Ryland called out Dad, Kat, and I went to the kitchen. There was a plate of spaghetti for us we each grabbed our plates. Except Kat she was short so dad handed her the plate. Kat happily started eating her food and so did we,"How is it?" Ryland asked.
"Pretty good." I reply with food in my mouth.
"(Y/n) don't talk with your mouth open. You definitely are Shane's daughter." Ryland says while shaking his head I laugh at him so does dad.
"Finished!" Kat said with spaghetii sauce all over her mouth and cheeks. Ryland placed his plate down and picked up Kat and placed her on his hip. He grabbed a napkin and wiped her face we all laughed at her reaction. Maybe being here won't be so bad.

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