Chapter 27 It's Alright

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Mention of abuse.
Your P.O.V.
I shut my door and looked straight at Caleb,"What happened to your face?" I ask once again. He set down his bag onto my bed and sat on my bed as well. He patted the spot next to him I gave in and sat next to him. He sighed and seemed like he was having a debate with himself,"Things at home...haven't been good..but I didn't want you to worry about me..that's why I didn't say anything..." he says looking at me sadly I sighed I gently put my hand up to his cheek,"I wish you told me sooner.." I reply he placed his hand on top of mine,"I didn't think it would last this long." He says.
"How longs has this been going?" I ask.
"About three weeks." He answers I nod and pulled him into a hug,"I wish I could have helped you sooner." I said honestly he shook his head and placed a kiss on the side of my head,"No it's okay there's not much you could've done. It's out yours and my control." He replies I held him tighter and we hugged for a while. We pulled apart and I looked at him sympathetically,"Don't do that." He says I furrow my brows.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I don't like that look. I don't want you to feel bad for me. No matter how bad the situation is." He says while placing a kiss on my head.
Shane's P.O.V.
I explained to Ryland what happened with Caleb and he was fine with having him here. Ryland, Kat, and I were watching some tv,"I'm going to make some dinner." Ryland said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. He left to the kitchen and started making dinner. I looked over at Kat who was cuddling into my side her tiny arms barely wrapped around my body. She looked up at me and smiled while giggling I smiled back at her,"Daddy can we watch something else please?" Kat asked I nodded.
"Sure we can. What do you want to watch?" I asked as I grabbed the remote and put on the guide,"Umm Disney?!" She exclaimed I put on the channel and watched some cartoons with her. Kat seemed to get a bit tired she moved to lay on my stomach, her head rested on my chest and her hand was slightly in a fist and it laid under her cheek. I wrapped my arm around her I took out my phone and took a quick picture. My attention went back to the cartoon on the tv. ~...~
Ryland made some homemade pizza and made some fries as well. We all were eating and exchanging conversations Kat was talking to Ryland and I about her day and how Uno "attacked" her. Which made Ryland and I laugh,"Once you guys are done with dinner I made some dessert." Ryland smiled I cringed, Ryland gasped,"What is it Shane?" He asked.
"Remember when you made Andrew and I dessert." I reminded while laughing Ryland scoffed,"Stop it Shane. I've been practicing and I think you guys will like them. This time." He says I nodded while laughing (y/n) laughed as well. Once we finished Ryland took out some cookies from the oven we each grabbed one Caleb was the first to say something,"These are actually good." He says (y/n) nodded in agreement.
"Thank you Caleb." Ryland says while playfully glaring at me I laugh and try his cookie,"Okay not bad." I say Kat happily ate hers.
"This is really good daddy." She says happily with the cookie in her mouth.
"Who wants to have a movie night?" Ryland asked,"It's still early so we can watch a movie."
"Yeah that would be fun."(Y/n) says happily we all agreed Ryland asked if I could clean up the kitchen. I of course said yes and Caleb stayed to help me clean.
"You really didn't have to help." I said as I picked up the plates and put them in the sink. He shrugged,"It's the least I can do since your letting me stay here. Thank you again...if I'm being honest I'm kind of nervous to go back home." He confesses I look over at him with a frown,"I wish I could help. Do your parents at least know where you are?" I ask.
"No I tried to tell them but they didn't listen... I'll most likely send them a text later on." He says I slightly smile and nod,"You know if you need me there when you see your parents I can stay with case you know something happens.." I say as I walk to the counter and grab one of the dirty napkins and threw it in the trash. Caleb wiped down the counter table,"Thank you again Mr.Dawson...I really appreciate it.." he thanks me I smiled at him,"You know I'm here for you if you ever need anything." I said he smiles at me,"Thank you. You honestly have no idea how much this means to me." He smiles,"Movies ready!" Rylands voice echoed through out the house I chuckled,"Alright be right there!" I called back I smiled at Caleb.
"Come on we don't want to miss the movie." I say he grinned and we went to the living room and sat down on the couch. Caleb sat next to (y/n) with his arm wrapped around her shoulder and she snuggled up on to his side, Cheeto laid in between them, Kat sat in between Ryland and I. Ryland started the movie and we watched the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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