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Yua's POV.

I woke up on a bed  in a Nurse office like room. I saw an old lady on my right side. When she noticed me she said kindly

"Oh, Sweetie looks like you're awake."

"Yes I am. Where am I?" I asked, while I was about to sit up.

"You are in U.A.'s nurse office." She aswered to my question kindly.

"U.A.? What's that?" I asked confused.

"You will see. Now, your clothes are torn apart so I changed you into black leggings and a white tank top. And there is a more boyish dress if you likes that one more."

"Thank you. Then I would like to change into that clothes. Where can I do that?"

"There is a restroom at the end of the corridor at your left side."

"Thank you." With that I walked out of that room, and I went into the girls restroom. I changed my clothes into the boyish clothes. 

I put on a dark green loose pants with a brown belt and I put on a loose black tank top. I walked back to that office and I said 

"Can I leave now?"

"Sorry Sweetie, but no. There are some people who wants to talk to you."

"Who are them?"

"We are." a voice said from the door. The door slowly opened and I saw a tall muscled man and a black haired man.

"And what do you want from me?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just to talk with you." Said the man with black hair.

"Young girl, come with us." Said the tall muscled man and they forced me to go with them with their eyes. I went into a big room with two sofa in front of each other and a coffee table between them. I sat on a sofa and I placed my legs on the table. They sat on the other sofa and the taller man said 

"I'm All Might. I'm a teacher of this school. This is Aizawa Shota. What's your name?"

"My Villian codename is Yua." I answered suddenly.

"And what's your real name?" Asked that Aizawa guy.

"It's Kazue."

"Then Kazue if you answer our and 4 more people's questions right, then we don't give you to the police."

"You can do that. There is some guy who is my friend."

"What are you Villians want?"

"Don't use 'you Villians'. I was there cause I didn't have enough money. And isn't it ovbious?" I asked, but they didn't answer so I said.

"They want to destroy your 'Simbol of Peace'. "

"Okay. Who are your parents?" Asked All Might.

"I won't tell you."

"Just your father name is enough." All Might said.



"Cause he is famous. I hate him cause after he left my mother and me alone for his work."

"His name please."

"No means no."

"If you don't tell us, then we will eat you." Aizawa said jokingly without any emotions.

"Please do. Why do you want to know his name?"

"It's important. Please tell us."

"Okay. But don't say that I'm lying, cause I'm not. My father's name is.." I hesitatly looked at them, then I closed my eyes and I said

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