Fight Part 1

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Katsuki's POV

"Let me go Kazue."

I wispered, as I made a huge explosion and I left them. I ran down to the 'practicing city' and I went  up to a 'house' 's top floor. I just stood in front of a window and once I noticed Kazue. I thing she was searching for me, but I didn't care, I just watched her fron there. Once I saw her stand and looking at only one point. I looked the way she stared, and I saw a girl with light blue hair. And then I remembered that what she said about her twin sister. I jumped out through the window, and I landed in front of Kazue and I shouted

"Who are you and what do you want from her??!?"

I heard Kazue wispering something, but I don't know what, but then the girl spoke up

"Oh?My little sister didn't tell you about me? That's rude Kazue-chan! Well I'm her twin sister Toshinori Kaze! Nice to meet you, are you her boyfriend?"

I got angry at her but then when I was about to attack her Kazue hugged me from behing and she said quietly

"Don't attack her Katsuki.. Please..!" Her voice was like she's crying. I got more angry at that bitch but then she spoke up with her disguisting voice

"Oh my! She hugged you! Do you want me to hug you too? We look alike a lot, don't you think?"

"Don't you dare to say that again. Kazue is the most beautiful girl I've ever met! You can't even say that you are her twin!" Kazue hold me more tighter.

"Well in our League of Villians she was just a doll. And if what you said earlier is true, then she was just a pretty doll. By the way, how is our father and mother?"

"Why do you want to know?" Kazue asked.

"What? I didn't hear anything." That bitch said. Kazue stood next to me, while she held my hand and she held it tighter as she shouted in her angry voice


That bitch covered her ears, and then she said

"I'm not deaf, you know Kazue-chan! And, I'm just asking. So?"

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!" I shouted, and I let Kazue's hand go as I attacked the bitch. I hit her hard, and walked back to Kazue, she was shaking, and when I was about to hold her hand she stepped back from me, and I asked with and angry face

"Kazue? What's wrong?"

"Ka-Katsuki.. I told you to not hit her.. Her quirk.. She can control you by touching you..!"

"And that's what are you afraid of? Don't worry I'll never hurt you."

"I-I know, you don't.. But she would.. I'm not that scared person, but the only thing I'm afraid of is my sister and-"

Before she could finish her sentence my body was moved by it's own and my hand grabbed Kazue by the neck. I 'Tch' -ed, and I shouted


"Don't worry, after 10 minutes I'll can't be able to control you dear."


"Oh, my! Did that make you mad? I'm so sorry! I've never wanted to get my sister's boyfriend ma-" She was cut of by an ice attack. My hands are let Kazue go and I looked behind her. I saw half and half and Yaoyorozo.

Momo's POV.

Todoroki-kun and I was searching for Bakugou-kun, but we didn't find him anywhere. Once we heard an explosion, and we tought it must be him. We quickly ran there, and we saw Bakugou-kun holding Kazue by the neck and an another woman behind him. She looked like Kazue, but then Bakugou-kun yelled, still holding Kazue


I tought he was shouting at Kazue, but then the girl from behind said

"Oh, my! Did that make you mad? I'm so sorry! I've never wanted to get my sister's boyfriend ma-"

but then Todoroki-kun attacked her with ice I looked at him and back at the girl. Suddenly Bakugou-kun let Kazue go, and was about to collapse he caught her, and he hugged her gently. Bakugou-kun slowly brought Kazue to us and he said

"Yaoyorozu look after her." I gave him a nod, then he gently put Kazue to the ground I sat down next to her. Todoroki-kun and Bakugou-kun walked back. I looked at them, then I asked confused

"What are you doing guys??!?"

"We'll fight for what's ours." They said at the same time as they were in their fighting pose. I looked at them super confused, but then I tought ' 'Ours'? I still don't know what are they fighting for. Wait, why are they even fighting, with that girl?? And Bakugou-kun didn't even shout or look at Todoroki-kun! I wonder why are they like this.. I'll talk to them later.'  

Shouto's POV.

When Bakugou put down Kazue then he looked at me. I gave him a nod then we started to walk. When we stopped and put on our fighting pose yaoyorozu asked in a worried tone

"What are you doing guys??!?"

"We'll fight for what's ours." Bakugou and I said in the same time, but we didn't even bother to look at each other. I blushed a little to that sentence. I think Bakugou did as well. After a few second The girl walked out from a bush where I pushed her with ice. She said

"Well, the princes are gonna fight for their princesses? Interesting. When my little Kazue woke up tell her I'm really sorry."

She came at us, and then she almost touched our shoulders, but then Bakugou pushed me away and he jumped. Somebody shouted

"Don't let her touch you! Her quirk is controlling!"

I looked after the voice, it was Kazue's. She stood up, then she shouted

"Fight with me Kaze!"

The other girl names Kaze shook her head, then she said

"Sorry little Kazue, but first I have to deal with your princes."

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