1st Day

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Kazue's POV.

We were about to walk to the next store when somebody called me behind us 

"Oh, Kazue-chan!! Hello!!"

I turned around and I saw the girl from the other day, and I said

"Oh, you are the girl from the other day right? I think.. Uraraka-san."

"Bingo Kazue-chan!" She said.

"Umm.. How are you?" I asked hesitatly.

"I'm alright now. Oh, right! This girl next to me is Yaoyorozu Momo." Uraraka said while smiling.

'I can't even say it!'

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Kazue."

"Nice to meet you. May I ask who is this blonde girl next to you?" She asked as we shook hands.

"She's.. She's.. She's Katsu." I hesitatly said.

"Well nice to meet you Katsu-san, Kazue-san.Where are you going?"

"To buy some clothes." Katsuki said.

"Okay, well we're going to have lunch, do you want to come with us??"

I looked at Katsuki. He just glared. I put on a  smirk and I said

"Yes, let's go to lunch."

Katsuki looked at me angrily and I smirked again.

After lunch we wawed goodbye and Katsuki and I walked away to a clothes shop. I asked him

"So?? Are you angry??"

"No. Not really. I just had lunch with plate headed and Black haired. I just had lunch with 3 girls."

"Don't be like that." I said.

After our shopping I turned him into a man and when we were on the way to Katsuki's house we met Midoriya and Todoroki. Todoroki asked us

"Looks like you two got along. Are you two on a date?"

Katsuki and I blushed and we both shouted with an angry tone

"No!! We aren't!! Why everyone things that I'm going ot with him/her!!?!"

"W-well guys don't be mad!"

"By the way, we met Uraraka and Yaoyorozu." Katsuki changed the subject.

"Re-really??" Midoriya asked, and I nodded. He put on a big smile and he said

"I hope you'll get friends in our class."

"I don't care. I never had one. Around me I always saw male Villians."

Then they all looked at me and I just started to walk foward, and then I said

"I can go by myself. Stay with them Ka- Bakugou."

Katsuki's POV.

"I can go by myself. Stay with them Ka- Bakugou." She said as she walked away.

"So, how are the thing with her?" Half and Half asked.

"What do you mean 'things'??!? I told you we aren't going out!!!!"

"Kacchan, c-clamn down!!" Deku stuttered.

"You shitty Deku!" I yelled.

~TimeSkip 1 day later~

Normal POV.

Katsuki went off to school and after about 20 minutes All Might arrived to take Kazue to school. When they arrived and they walked to the class All Might said

[BNHA] Katsuki Bakugou And His Own VillianWhere stories live. Discover now