Early Christmas party

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Kazue's POV.

When I walked in I saw Katsuki shirtless. I stared at him for seconds then he asked with a grin

"Like what you see?"

"Actually, yes." 

I put on a grin as well then I walked over him and we hugged lightly. My hands was on his chest and I looked up at his crimson eyes, his hands was on my waist the I said again with a grin

"Yeah I like it."

"Good." He blushed a little then I walked over his bed and I fell on it. My back was facing with his soft bed.

"What's wrong Kazue?"

"Nothing." I answered and I felt him laying down next to me. He asked

"If it's nothing then you wouldn't act like this. If you aren't gonneóa tell me then I'll tickle you until you tell me. So?"

"Ok ok, anything but your tickles. Tomorrow Mitsuki-san and your dad will go out and they'll plan us our wedding."

"And what's wrong with that? You changed your mind now?"

"No. I would never change my mind about this, but.. We are only 16 and there are a  lot of things what married couples do, and we are still in school."


"And? Don't tell me that you weren't thinking about this." I said and I turned my face to his, that was soo close. 

"Look. Our age or our school can't do anything about our decide. We decited to marry. Then everyone else can go and fuck theirselfes."

I giggled.

"And what about a famil-"

"We'll think about that either. First we have to search for the crystals."

"Since I'm awake why do we need those crystals?"

"Cause you'll get back your quirk. You don't want that?"

"I do. And we only need 2 more."

"We'll get those back."

~2 Weeks Later~

I put on my dark blue bra and underwear, I held my shirts and I walked over Katsuki and I asked

"Katsuki, what do you think, should I wear the dark blue one or the black one."

"The red one."

"Why the red one?"

"Cause I like that color."

"I see. So the red one?"


I walked to the wardrobe and I pulled out 2 red shirts. I turned to Katsuki and I asked again

"Which one?"

"Why do I have to choose your dress? It's just a party at Yao's house."

"Cause I want you to choose."

"And what's up with you feeling confortable while you are standing in front of me just in a bra and in an underwear?"

"If it bothers you I can change anytime."

"T-that's not what I meant.." I heard him wispering.

"Ok, then. The left one without shoulders or the right one without back."

"I guess the one without shoulders."


I put on the red shirt without shoulders, a black jacket, black jeans, and red shoes with gray socks.

When I was ready and Katsuki looked at me he blushed a little, he walked up to me, he hugged my waist and he said

"You look nice, Kazue."

I put my arms around his neck and I said

"Thank you."

We kissed but then I heard someone entering the room. I broke the kiss and I looked at the door and I saw Mitsuki-san. I blushed then she said with wide but smirking eyes.

"Oh my, sorry for interrupting..!"

With that she walked out. Katsuki and I looked ateach other then I said

"Should we go now?"

"I guess."

"By the way you look handsome, Katsuki." I winked.


Then he kissed me. After a few seconds we broke the kiss and We walked out of the house. We started to walk to Momo's house. It was a bit strange to me cause Momo didn't complain about her mother since Mitsuki-san came home.

"Hey, Katsuki. How much time do we have until our wedding?"

"I think the old hag placed it after Christmas."

"I think we'll have a trouble with that."


"Cause the Villians planning on an attack after Christmas."

"Really? All of them?"

"No just a few one. The annoying ones. The Villians loves Christmas so they don't attack then and after."

"A few one? Perfect. It's time for me to kick some ass."

"Go ahead. "

"By the way It's almost Christmas, what do you wanrót to be your present, Katsuki?" I asked him.

"I don't know. You?"

"Hmm.. It's nothing."

"For real?"

"Yeah. We are almost there."

"Yeah." He said, and after about 4-5 minutes walk we arrived to Momo's house.

I called Momo:

-Momo? We're here.
-Okay! You 2 are the first ones here! I'll go down in a minute! 

She hang up the the big white gate opened. Katsuki just walked foward, he didn't look anywhere. I walked next to him and I asked

"Katsuki, what's the problem?"


I held his hand he looked at me and he blushed a little. After a few minutes we arrived to the entrace door, and we saw Momo standing there and looking at us. I smiled at her then when we reached her, Katsuki suddenly said

"Kazue, am I really need to go in there?"

"Hmm.. No you can go home but keep thatin ind if you leave then other boys will flirt with me."

"I'll stay and if even one of them touch you with one finger they won't leave the party safe. I'll kill them."

"You're too overprotective Bakugou. Kazue'd never talk to a guy who is flirting with her. I remember last weekend two boys came up to us in a café and they asked us on a double date, and when Kazue rudely answered no the guys took us to outside the café and they tried to kiss us but then Kazue beat them. I screamed Shouto's name but instead of him Kazue safed me from them. An-"

"I think you said enough Momo. Look at Katsuki's face."

We looked at his face, amónd he was full of anger. He was about to explode then she yelled




"I AM!!!!!! Just shut the hell up Katsuki. Quite the yellin-"

Then I was cut off by a kiss from Katsuki. He walked inside.


End of this Chapter! I hope you enjoyed this part! ByeBye!! :D

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