Collapsed Dream?

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Normal POV.

Momo and Ochako turned  around and Momo said

"What are you talking about? He isn't my boyfriend, my boyfriend is Satoshi from the club, don't you remembe-"

Momo was cut off by kiss from Shouto. Momo tried to push him away but she couldn't cause Souto was the stronger. After a few seconds Momo kissed him back a she held him tight by his neck. Izuku blushed then Ochako pushed Souto away from Momo and she said with a dead glare

"Sorry Todoroki-kun, but Momo has a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? What are you talking about Ochako? He is my boyfriend." Momo said confused.

Everyone stared at Momo then Shouto asked

"Do you know who I am?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

"Does that mean a kiss break the 'hipnosis'?"

"I don't know what are you talking about, but It looks like that."

Kazue looked at Momo then nodded and as they held Ochako Momo shouted

"Kiss her Midoriya-kun!"

"Wh-wh-wha-what?!??!" He panicked then he nodded slowly then He kissed Ochako. The girls let Ochako go, and they walked over to their boyfriends then Kazue asked

"Say Ka- Bakugou if I woke up with a normal personality does that mean you kissed me earlier?"

"I didn't. Why would I kiss the girl who cheated? So?"


Suddenly Kazue collapsed. Katsuki caught her and placed her down on the sofa.

~In Kazue's Dream~

Where might I be? I didn't see this place even once.. Huh? There is something holding my hands. / I asked myself.

A little girl and a little boy was standing next to me.. Both of them are having blonde hair just like Katsuki. I heard the little girl speaking from my left

-Mom, when will she arrive? I really want to see her!
-Who?  Who will arrive? / I asked her suddenly and with a nervous smile.
-Don't play dumb mom! Our sister! You said it's inside your belly isn't you? / The little boy spoke up, then I heard a familiar voice

-Hey! Kazeko! Kanna! Don't bother her! Go outside and play with your new ball!
-Okay dad! / The children ran outside then I looked behind me to see where did that familiar come from. I saw Katsuki standing in front of a door then he asked something

-Geez, why didn't you say something? You were in silence in the last 20 minutes. / I just stared at him. He was way taller than me and more manly. I was about to say something when he asked

-You were thinking on the crystals again, didn't you?
-Crystals? Ye-yeah I was.
-Anyway, how are you? Are you feeling better? What did  the doctor said? Whats with the baby?
-Baby? O-oh well first can you tell me where does Momo live?
-You said you will go there after the doctor.
-W-well I forgot.
-You should know where does your friend live.
-I-I forgot about that e-either..
-Okay, go out turn to your left go straight the turn to your left go and go right and the 2. house are theirs.
-O-okay, bye. / I said then I ran out. I ran exacly where he said I should go. I found the house, it was pretty big, but when I was about to press the ring I woke up.


"Kazue! Wake up!" Momo shouted.

Kazue's POV.

"Kazue! Wake up!" Momo shouted, and then I opened my eyes and I tried to stand up, but I fell back. Katsuki caught me and he asked

"Are you okay? You collapsed."

"Y-yeah, I'm okay now." With that lend me down to his bed. I looked at them confused and once Ochako asked

"Kazue-chan, who are those Kazeko and Kanna?"

"What?" I asked them and stared at them super confused. I was thinking about how could they know about the two kids in my dream.

"You were saying those names in your sleep."

"O-oh it's nothing! Really!" I smiled at them. I stood up and I jumped out across Katsuki's window. For some reason the window was open so I didn't get any wounds. When I jumped out I was on the street, and when I ran across it somebody crashed into me while riding a bike. The last thing I saw was the man who crashed into me.

Normal POV.

Kirishima picked her up and he brought her in the hospital. After a few minutes the doctor came out and she said

"She'll be fine, the results will be here in some minute Mister."

"Okay, I got it." Kirishima smiled at her, she walked away and he picked out his cellphone to call Momo. He called her and when 'she' picked up:

-Hello, Yaoyorozu?
-No, it's Todoroki Shouto. What do you want from Momo? Who are you? Are you this kind of Satoshi??! (Shouto said with an anygry voice)
-Satoshi? No, I'm Kirishima, why did you picked up HER cellphone?
-I'm her boyfriend. Anyway, sorry from earlier. And? What do you want?
-O-oh, I just called her to tell her that Kazue is in the hospital..
-What?! Hey guys Kazue is in the hospital! (Shouto shouted in Momo's phone, Kirishima almost got deaf XD)
-What?!? (The others shouted as well)
-Thanks for the info, is she in the Aoyani Hospital?!? (Ochako shouted in the phone)
-Ye-yeah, well I'll wait you here. (With that he hung up)

After about 3 minutes Katsuki and the others were running up to Kirishima. Once Katsuki shouted


"Clam down a bit Bakugou! I have reasons..."

"What reason..?!?!?!"

"I.. I was the one who crashed into her on the street..."

The others eyes got real wide then when Katsuki almost hit him with full power Momo said

"Shouto-kun, please stop him! We'll go and see her!"

"You too Deku-kun please!"

Shouto, and Izuku somehow stopped him from beat Kirishima's ass up.

Momo and Ochako was talking with the doctor inside the room. Once Ochako stattered

"So.. So there is a chance that we'll lose her..?"

"Yes. She is standing between death and alive.. I hope she'll get better and wake up someday.. I'm sorry girls.."

Momo and Ochako teared up. The doctor walked out and the girls started to cry. Then Shouto and Izuku quickly ran across the door. (They opened the door real quick)

They saw them crying and hugging hard. The boys walked over them and they hugged them. The girls couldn't stop crying. Then Kazue wispered something

"Don't cry... Momo.. Ochako.." When they heard that the girls ran up to her then they stared at her with red eyes.

They walked back to the boys, hugged them tightly then they wispered at the same time

"She is in coma.. There is a chance that she'll die.."

The boys's eyes got wide and they hugged them tightly.


I REALLY AM SORRY GUYS!!!! I was busy with school, I was in a camp and I'm still tired. From now on I'll update in every 5th days I promise! So sorry again!
Hope you liked it! I'm sleepy as hell so bye!


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